I took a brief foray to Downtown Crossing in Boston today, for no other reason than I had some time to kill before meeting my cousin, Jules, for lunch.
I was amused by the sight of a sausage vender who had set up his cart right on a corner where there is an absolutely massive construction project happening. There was debris of all shapes and sizes raining down on this guy's sausage stand, and he was carrying on as if nothing was happening. The crazy thing is that he had plenty of customers there, which only served to reaffirm his choice to set up shop right there, smack in the middle of a massive dig-up.
The other little thing I wanted to write about was the scene that unfolded in front of the DSW store.
I was on my way in, and about to reach for the door, when this young couple cut right in front of me. "Even better" I thought, "Let them open the door for me."
The woman reached for the door, and in fact had her hand on the handle to open it. As she was about to execute the opening of the door, another friend called out to her, and the couple proceeded to have a raucous conversation in Spanish (and for quite some time) all the while exhibiting no intention to leave the doorway so as to facilitate my entry. And it isn't as if they had seen me. We had already acknowledged each other with polite nods. But once they stated their conversation, they just chose to ignore me, while clogging up the door.
Finally, I sort of barked, "Excuse me" and barreled through the door. I could feel their angry eyes boring a hole in my back as I walked by them, but I didn't care.
First of all, what's with the picture of a NYC sausage cart when you're bitching about a Boston vendor? (not vender) You seem to not want to eat from street vendor who is set up next to a construction site where he has a permit and permission to be, is obviously selling his wares to eager customers and finally would probably let a suburbanite snob like you eat at Starbucks gratefully. I'm sure we would in fact hold the door open for you at DSW while you figure out how to, in fact, walk through it. Bonehead!
I love the fact that some asshole drops a bomb but won't identify him/herself. Whatever.
Boy...I misspelled a word and used a geographically inaccurate picture. I should just stop blogging entirely. I mean, clearly this blog is meant to be an extremely serious commentary on society. I guess I've been caught and people are going to see right through me. All the people who depend on my blog for their current events updates are being misled. I hope they can forgive me.
Let's take a look at this asshole's grammar to see if he/she is in any position to knock my spelling...
The sentence, "You seem...Starbucks gratefully" there is just so much to work on.
You need a comma between the words "custumers" and "and." Furthermore, I think you mean to say that he would gratefully let a suburbanite snob like me eat at Starbucks, not "eat at Starbucks gratefully."
As for the "suburbanite snob" business, I wouldn't know what you mean, for I reside in the city.
I think the really sad thing is that you stopped to read my blog when you don't even know me or have anything invested in my life. Jesus, go get a life of your own!
And in the future, if you want to leave a jerky comment on my blog, leave your name, asshole, so that I can reply to you personally.
Note that earlier in this comment I was making reference to "him/her" as I was uncertain of the gender of my critic. However, it must be a girl who left this, because the asshole who would hide behind the "anonymous" crap obviously has NO BALLS!!!
I enjoyed the post.
"con permiso" - spanish for "get the fuck out of my way.
ummmm you spelled customers wrong while you were raving.
Wow...this hostile, cowardly asshole is really obsessed with my blog. I'm flattered!
I just wish she'd consider getting a life.
Oh well, I understand that my blog is the most exciting thing she has going. Who am I to deprive anybody of the only little joy they have in life? I guess I have no choice but to keep blogging to give little sad-sack, shit-for-brains her entertainment.
Oh, and while you're correcting my grammar and spelling, you might want to consider starting your own sentences with caps, you dumb gobshite!
Tee hee! Hahahahahaha!!!! I am laughing my ass off at "anonymous!" Clearly, she doesn't know our Jovi. Oh, the irony!
Rock ON, Nants!
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