Come on, you know you'd pay good money to see it.
The big question is, why has Ralph Nader, consumer rights activist extraordinaire, not taken on the Target chain for their outrageous return policies?
I bought Allie some silly Dora the Explorer computer game today. It was 20 dollars and the box indicated that the game was compatable with the Mac operating system. Lo and behold, when I removed the shrink wrap and opened the games, all of the discs had on the "PC" label on them. Hmmm.....
Long story short, the games did not work. Not a big deal, I thought. The games were mismarked, I had been misled. I had purchased the games just a couple of hours earlier. I still had the receipt. I headed down to Target to return the game, thinking I'd be in and out of there in a matter of minutes.
Wouldn't you know, the people at customer service kept restating their "no return on open electronics" policy. Eventually, after I kept insisting that they should have a "correctly label merchandise" policy which they should enforce as vigorously as the "no return on electronics" policy, they "caved" and said I could exchange the merchandise for another copy of the game.
When I pointed out the flawed logic there, they said they could give me an equal exchange for something else in the electronics department.
No go as far as I was concerned.
Eventually we called some big corporate headquarters and I told my story to some woman there. She got the customer service person back on the phone, and the person I was with at the store, having seen the mismarked merchandise, corroborated my complaint. There was a pause for a moment as the Target employee in the store spoke to the person at customer service. Then she said, "Hang on, I'll ask her." The woman looked at me and said, "The person in corporate wants to know if there is any way you can return your Mac and buy a PC?"
Do I even need to comment on that any further?
Anyway, I did get my money back after I think it became clear to everybody involved that I wasn't going to move until I had a full refund.
Ha ha!
Down with Target. Ralph Nader would lbe proud!
people are imbiciles!! good for you!
Jovi, Jovi, Jovi.
I'm convinced that you live in some kind of parallel universe! I don't know HOW you keep coming up with these amazing encounters.
I really don't!
But they certainly are entertaining.
did you mention that you have a VERY popular site on the internet and that you would be documenting this heinous interaction, defaming Target and detracting at least 10 people from EVER shopping there in the future?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Imagine returning a Mac so you can play a Dora the Explorer game? Unbelievable. What you should have said was... Will you give a pc so I can play it? Target's so dumb (I've had similar experiences) it might even be in their return policy for mislabeled electronics. You gotta be careful now that Mac does that switch thing... people can label their products that it will work with a Mac, when really you need that special one that switches from pc to Mac or whatever it does. - Jules
Jules...Yes, you're right. Now that Mac has the Intel thing that can go back and forth from Windows to OSX operating system. However, the thing did indicate that it was supposed to work with OXS, not just with Windows on a Mac. Idiotic. When they get their computer online, they'd be better off just doing the free educatinal games online at PBS.org. That way, they don't have to flood all their memory with stupid games.
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