Usually I'm a beer/wine girl, but last night I went out with my friend, Becky, who is much more the "cocktail" sort. I decided to indulge myself in a fancy cocktail, but I never know what to order. The main reason that I stay away from mixed drinks is that they usually taste so BOOZY to me. I know that might appeal to a lot of people, but not to me. Booze tastes like paint thinner to me. Too harsh. I guess that's why I stick with wine and beer.
Anyway, I asked the very nice Irish bartender to recommend a not-too-boozy, not-too-sweet cocktail. Maybe something tart or citrusy. The bartender thought for a moment and asked, "Do you like grapefruit?" When I replied in the affirmative, he immediately set to busying himself with all kind of paraphernalia....ice, shaker, martini glass, several bottles...you get the picture.
When he was finished, there was a very pretty red/orange drink in a martini glass with a little twist of lemon zest wrapped around the rim. Lovely.
I asked what the drink was, but the bartender just encouraged me to try it first before asking 20 questions.
I brought the concoction to my lips and was delighted with the light, but very intensely grapefruit flavored taste. It was lovely.
Apparently was a "ruby red martini" made with Ruby Red Absolut. After I'd polished it off, (every last drop, of course), the barman asked me if I wanted another. I almost went ahead and ordered a second one, but then logic prevailed. If it didn't taste at all boozy, that didn't mean that it wasn't boozy. Probably just the opposite. So, I stopped at one, but I could have had fifty.
Get thee to a local bar and order up a Ruby Red Martini!
Sounds like the "Lemon Drop" martini, not the same flavor, but same yum-factor. Although I'm older than you, I'm certainly not wiser -- I did, in fact, drink fifty of them. (That's what it felt like the next day anyway.)
I had an infamous martini night about 10 years ago. Maybe I could TRY a Ruby Red Martini...maybe...
I can never have anything "lemon drop" again...it's a bad bad story!
My "mixed drink" of choice...margarita on the rocks-no salt. It's the simple things:)
yes, bad drink memories can be difficult to erase. Sorry to make you relive the nightmare, Reesie.
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