I am a REAL stickler for time. I've always been an extremely punctual person and being made to wait around for people who can't be bothered to make the effort to show up on time drives me crazy. It always seems as though we fools who show up early or on time are forced to make concessions to the slow pokes of the world.
When I was leaving Washington, DC, my flight was delayed for "late arriving passengers." I asked the flight attendant if that meant people who needed to connect to this flight had been delayed on the previous flight. Fair play, right? I mean, if your flight is delayed, you can't be on time for your connection. However, the flight attendant just said, "No, it looks like some folks just aren't here yet. It has nothing to do with a connection."
I was flummoxed. I mean I had been there for the suggested two hours prior to the flight. Apparently that is nothing but a mere suggestion.
What ever happened to the "You snooze you lose" way of doing things? I mean, really! This isn't a city bus, folks, we're trying to catch a flight. And you could argue that those people were stuck up in security lines or some such. I contend, however, that if they had gotten to the airport in a timely manner, they would have time to clear security. We should all understand security in a post 9/11 world. If we're leaving five minutes to get from the airport parking lot to the flight gate, we should be taught our lesson the hard way.
But no, the airline decides instead to wait around for the stragglers.
No wonder the percentage of on time flights is abysmal a this point. Doesn't this just breed a race of latecomers? I mean, really....after seeing this display, what's my incentive to show up early or on time? I might just start leaving my apartment twenty minutes before flight time. They're going to wait for me after all. Why hurry?
And just today I went to the gym to take a step class. It was in Cambridge at 9:00. I left my apartment for a 7:10 bus, which is admittedly really early. I just couldn't sleep any longer, so I decided to get out and enjoy the lovely weather. Anyway, I digress...
I learned that the class would be held in the smaller of the two studios. It used to be in the larger one, but has apparently been shuffled to the smaller one. (I don't often make this class as it is in the morning on a Thursday.)
When I learned that the class would be in the smaller studio, I was glad to be there early. I looked at the clock. It was 8:15. I set up my bench in the room, and then went out to lift weights. By 8:55, the room was pretty mobbed. I was glad to have set up already. The class started uneventfully at 9. Lo and behold, at 9:10, the same ASSHOLE who shows up to every single class that she takes at least ten minutes late comes strolling into the room. She seemed to be momentarily deterred by the fact that the room was filled to capacity. However, she didn't give up that easily. She went over to get her bench, knocking everybody over and all and causing everybody to miss up their coreography, etc. She got her bench and marched STRAIGHT OVER TO WHERE I WAS STANDING AND SET UP RIGHT ON TOP OF ME. Then, she had the nerve to interrupt me and walk right up to me and ask say, "I know I was here late and you were here on time, and I know this is really a pain, but could you move over? I'm crashing into the weights over here."
Maybe it is mean of me, but I just looked at her briefly and then resumed my workout. I didn't even answer her. I was thinking, "SCREW this!" She said herself that it was a pain and that I was there on time.
The thing that really baffles me is how these idiots can think that they have the right to show up late, inconvenience everybody, and that everybody should move out of their way! No way!
Annoying, right?
Like I said, this might just be me getting too tightly wound over something silly, but it drives me to the brink.