I got a jury duty summons yesterday. My service date is April 2nd. The last time I was called to serve on a Jury was a few years ago. My service date was set for August. I requested a postponement because I figured it would be better to take the day off of school rather than serve on my own time in the summer. LOL. The funny thing was that instead of getting a new date, I got a letter basically telling me that they would not need me after all.
The last time I went to jury duty, I sat on a trial for almost two weeks. My courtroom was directly one floor above the Louise Woodward trial. The media frenzy was fun and kind of exciting. (Remember Louise...the British Nanny who killed the baby in her care?)
This time I'll be serving in Boston. Last time I was in Cambridge. Hopefully I won't get seated and I'll be dismissed early enough to enjoy a lovely day of shopping at nearby Faneuil Hall.
Can you believe that I was able to confirm my juror service online? Man...what can't we do online these days?
In other news, I went to my thyroid doctor today. He said I look much better than the last time I saw him, when, to use his own words, I was "an absolute mess." He asked if people have told me I look better. Ah...not so much.
It turns out I might actually now be hypothyroid (the original problem was hyperthyroidism). Sometimes the medication can overtreat the hyperthyroidism. The doctor explained that the thyroid is a pretty temperamental gland that is difficult to property regulate. The dosage of medication has to be tweaked a bunch before things calm down. The telltale signs of the hyperthyroidism were apparently my warm hands, bulging eyes, shaky hands, and edginess. This time the doctor remarked that my extremities seem colder, that the shakes are gone, and that my heart rate was really slow. This, he asserts, could be the result of my regular exercise, so he's not sure. But I'm kinda hoping it is hypo because I have packed on a little bit of weight on this stupid medication. Oh well..it is what it is. I'll find out Monday.
Hmm..what else. Nothing I guess.
Stephen is playing some inane war video game on his new laptop. All these guns are firing and people are calling out in shock and pain. Yeah, he's 41.
Hypo's symptoms are cold hands and slow heart rate???
When they start interviewing you for juries, tell 'em you think they're very guilty. Emphasize all of your education. Say that you hate all minorities. You can get out of it.
I can't bring myself to openly profess hatred for minorities. I know it's a quick way out, but I just can't do it.
I can, however, tell them that I was very soured by my last jury experience (truth) and that my faith in our legal system has been seriously shaken.
That oughta work!
I don't know if that's all that was there to suggest hypo, but considering the fact that I had the hyper symptoms to such an extreme, and am now exhibiting some of the opposite symptoms, might suggest that we've overtreated the hyper and caused hypo.
I guess that's rather common.
I couldn't really do that either. I'm a terrible liar.
Freaky! I check out your blog, only to find that once again -- we are living the same life! I have jury duty next Monday (after postponing my previous summons), I'm having thyroid issues (is that why I gained weight over Christmas? Haha!), and my husband is constantly playing video and/or computer games! Freaky, huh? About as freaky as the previous run-on sentence. Sorry for that.
Wacky. What are your thyroid issues, Juanita? At least my husband sort of plays his video games quietly and without ceremony. I have not overlooked the fact that I should be very thankful for that. Ha ha.
My friend Sharyn and I are constantly saying that we're married to the same guy. Maybe your husband is one and the same, too. We should investigate these men. My husband claimed he went to NH to go skiing today. Maybe he was really with his "other family" in KC. LOL.
Funny I have Jury Duty on the 26th ... we all go in circles. I'm going to bring my mac and catch up on pic while I wait!
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