I am going to go on an Andy Rooney style rant. Indulge me.
I see so many strange things and behaviors out there, and I just have to ask myself, "What the hell is that?" Maybe somebody will be able to enlighten me as to some of these points of confusion.
I teach middle school. Let me start there.
What the hell is up with boys still wearing their jeans so that the waist is around their knees and the crotch droops to the ground? I would hope that 20 years and good taste would have seen this fashion statement defunct, but alas....
Another fashion mystery...what the hell is with the baseball caps? They are three sizes too big to begin with. On top of that, they are all leaving the bills completely stiff, and propped at a strange angle on their heads. Jesus, they look like they either got dressed in the dark or downed a fifth of Jack Daniels before staggering out of the house.
What the hell is up with the lack of manners. Take my word for it. I teach middle schoolers and I am a pedestrian in a city where driving is seen as a form of combat rather than a means of transportation. People are rude, hostile and agressive.
Why do obnoxious and condescending people who harass the counter help at Dunkin Donuts look at me for a nod of approval when they berate a 9 month pregnant Pakastani woman for not putting enough Equal in their jumbo coffee? I'm not impressed. Further, when I see you crawl behind the wheel of your 90,000 dollar Mercedes SUV and peel out of the parking lot at a buck-ten, rolling down 5 preschoolers on the way, I get to thinking that the same Pakastani woman you just berated spit in your coffee before she served it to you!
What the hell is up with this XBox crap?
Wha the hell is up with this Star Wars shit? Who cares??!!!
What the hell is up with Samuel L. Jackson lowering himself to appear in these horrible Star Wars films? I mean, I can see if the guy was down and out, but you can't tell me that his paychecks from Pulp Fiction, Shaft and Jackie Brown left him THAT hard up!
What is going on with remaking movies that were either so stupid (War of the Worlds), or so Perfect (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) to begin with, that they should be respectfully laid to rest.
What is up with people owning Pitbulls? When is that "fashion accessory" going to go out of style?
What is up with Johnny Damon having his 31st birthday today? Christ, I almost fell off the chair. Do I really look older than this guy? I thought he was in his mid thirties, at least.
What's going on with jeans? Why is it that at 5'8" tall, a full four inches taller than the average American woman, I cannot find a pair of jeans (average length, mind you, not even tall) that doesn't have 9 extra inches of material at the bottom of the leg. Who are they making these pants for? I need to see these people.
Why is this Nick and Jessica divorce such a shocker?
Donald Trump's wig? What is that crap?
Why is it so hard to feed the photograph paper correctly into the printer?
I'm sure there are some others that I either can't think of, or that my subconscience has tuned out.
Feel free to add.....