Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Really Bad TV

I just sat and watched the season finale of "The Biggest Loser."

Jesus, how pathetic.

I had never even watched any of the episodes, so I don't know why I sat there like an imbecile in front of a season finale, watching people to whom I have no attachment. I guess the finale is supposed to be emotional or something, but I wasn't feeling it. The last woman standing, Suzie, was such a complete goof. The only reason I applaud her weight loss is because now there is less of her for me to hate.

Law and Order SVU is now on and although I really like that show, I think I'm too exhausted (see brain-drained after watching that other black hole of creativity), to actually stay up to watch the whole thing.

There are so many terrible shows on TV. Half the time I end up watching something for five minutes, deciding I can't handle the stupidity factor, and then just end up doing something else, like a crossword, a jigsaw (my new passion), or reading a book. I purposely do not have a remote control to my TV, because I know that if I did, I would spend way too much time "flicking around" looking for something to watch.

Anyway, ranting about TV. I should get that cable station that has all 80's shows on all day.

At least the Donald Trump Show is heating up for the season finale. Donald Trump show is the only show on the boob tube worth watching!

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