I am having a glass of wine as I write. So wonderful on this hot night!!
I am sitting here in my sweltering apartment (which I actually quite like, by the way), and reflecting upon the fact that this is my last Wednesday as a single woman. I will be Mrs. K. in just three days.
And yeah, I am going to change my last name. I wasn't sure whether I would do that or not, but when I asked Stephen about his thoughs on the subject, he confessed that he always imagined that if he got married, his wife would take his last name. That said, Stephen, being the extremely liberal, forward-thinking person that he is, was certainly not insistent or demanding about the thing. He was just telling me how he felt. If I had told him that I wanted to stay Nancy B., he wouldn't have cared in the least.
But, truth be told, I hate the fact that my first and last name are both twy syllables and each ends in the "ey" sound. Yuck. When I hear people say my first and last name together, it annoys me. I can't explain why. Marriage and a name change will remedy that situation sure enough.
Ha ha.
Anyway, I had mentor training in my school district today. I think I may have already written about this. I basically get paid to be the person who answers questions for new colleagues in the building. Jesus, I have been doing that for free for years anyway. Might as well get paid for it. I had though, prior to today, that the stipend for this position was 1200 dollars. Turns out, it is 2400 dollars. That in addition to the 1,000 dollars I get paid for packing my boxes for our upcoming move to the new school, and the 1,000 I get paid for unpacking said boxes in the new school. Jesus...I love being on a city payroll.
I don't feel like getting into all of this, but because of a state-sanctioned change in the status of my particular area of certification, I have to go through a recertification process that could run me 2500 dollars. Christ. What a joke. I was pissed enough to think that I would probably think about leaving teaching. But seriously...for all the benefits of being on that city payroll, this certificatoin headache (and it will be a headache), will be well worth it in the end.
Ok, enough about that.
Wedding stuff...
I bought a really cute pair of little white fancy flip-flops for the wedding. Sure, I will wear the little heels for the ceremony and the pictures and such, but Lauren popinted out that I might want a pair of cute COMFORTABLE little flip flops for the party portion of the day. Great idea!
This just in...
Stephen and I have these two neighbors (a lesbian couple) whom we have really come to like very much. They have come by a few times to borrow butter for baking or whatever. We chat when we see them around. Anyway, last night, one of the women came by to see if we could help her assemble a fan she'd bought. Her partner was out of town and they had not yet put in their AC. We ended up putting the fan together and had a beer with her. It was fun. Anyway, she just knocked on the door and presented me with a six pack of Sam Adams Summer in the way of a thanks for our help. Too nice. Very unnecessary, but quite appreciated. It is a comfort knowing that we have such nice neighbors whom we could depend upon if we needed something.
Ok, back onto my other random thoughts.
On the T today, a father and son (the kid was about 12) were pointing out and oogling at attractive women. Is this just sick? Maybe I'm just jealous because I was not one of the chosen women. Hmmm...
And finally, I know Lauren brought this up in her blog at one point, but I'm going to revisit the issue, let's talk about the toilets in womens bathrooms being completely covered in piss. Jesus, I can understand it in public bus stations or train temrinals or something, but I swear, every single time I go into my gym (which is a very high-end, almost-100-per-month establishment) every single toilet is covered in piss. Ladies, just sit the fuck down. What is this??
Yeah, I love those Beotches that cant sit on the toilet with thier pristine asses!
When I did the mentor thing, I thought that I would definately get a mentoree, but sometimes they assign them to people who are in the same grade level and subject. It took me two years before I got a mentoree.
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