I broke down and bought Harry Potter 7. I was pretty convined I'd just wait until I could get it in paperback. Or perhaps I would borrow it from one of the three million people I know who bought it in hardback.
Last night, I was out and, anticipating my trip home on the T, desperate for something to read. I hate having nothing to do on the T. I always have to have a book with me. When I'm done reading everything in my apartment, I'm beside myself.
Anyway, I went into Borders, and they were about to close. Too much pessure to pick something out. There were tables full of Harry Potter on display, so I bougt it.
I'm not very far into it, so please don't spoil it for me if you've read it.
I'm just wondering, though, if these characters are all magical, why they can't solve some seemingly mundane problems with a little flick of the wand.
For example, the most recent book reveals that Dumbledore, as a young man, lost both parents and had to act as a foster parent to his younger siblings. He was unable, as a consequence, to take a trip around the world with one of his friends. There simply wasn't enough money. Now, this is a man who can "appirate" (wish himself in another destination and simply appear there.) So, why would he need to worry about air fare? Why would he simply not materialize in his desired location? I would if I could.
Then, there is the enormous Hagrid who, in the most recent book, spends at least 4 pages struggling to get through a small door. Ah.....why not just exapand the doorway with a flick of the wand?
There are lots of such conundrums that the characters should, in theory, be able to get themselves out of.
I know, I'm thinking too much about Harry Potter.
I've gotta let it go.
I'm a HP geek!! I got it last week when I returned from vacation...and it is not easy to avoid the ending when you work in a freaking bookstore!! Luckily, I had a business trip and got several hours of reading done in the seclusion of my hotel!! Let me know when you are done-I didn't know you were reading them. This is the best one since the first one...I'm such a dork...I bawled through most of the thing! Haa!
I hope you enjoy it!!
Dumbledore had to stay home to take care of his younger sister, as his younger brother was still in school and couldn't take care of her. Money didn't come into that decision at all.
Hagrid doesn't have a wand and isn't allowed to use magic.
Maybe you need to pay more attention when you read the books.
Maybe you need to sign your name when you bitch me out, fool! And to refresh your rusty ass memory, there is a passage in the newest book when it specifically states that Dumbledore, strapped with the burden of taking care of his siblings, encountered a shortage of gold. Damn, if he's so magic, why didn't he magic-up a freakin' nanny??
As for Hagrid and his difficulty hefting his bulk through the door or alleviating the burden on his broom, why didn't the people around him, who clearly saw his struggles and supposedly adore the dude help him out?
Maybe YOU need to engage in a little more critical thinking when you read the book!!
If people are so insistent upon leaving nasty insipid comments...why can't you show some courage for your convictions and sign your name?
Come on, people...are we not adults? In the immortal words of Mr. Rodney King..."Can't we all just get along?"
Thanks, Reesie. You've always come to my support when these yeller-bellied jackasses have dropped bombs on me without leaving their names.
In the end, it all just boils down to somebody jumping on my ass for having a light-hearted complaint abou something that, at the end of the day, is extremely insignificant.
And actually, Hagrid DOES have a wand...he hides it in a pink umbrella!! Maybe someone else needs to do some more reading!!
Yeah, Reesie. Thanks for yet another unquestionable back-up!!
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