Thursday, July 12, 2007

Technical Difficulties....Please Stand By

We are back from the honeymoon. A lovely time was had by all. I say all because throughout the honeymoon, we had the opportunity to see various friends at various stopovers. I am particularly excited about having had the opportunity to catch up with the fabulous David and Todd while in Middlebury, VT. David and Todd were fellow "Ecole Francaise" students during "la belle epoque Middleburienne" and it was such a pleasure to hang out with those guys in our natural environs.

I am still waiting on the official photos from our photographer, so hold on to your hats and those will soon be coming at you.

As for the title of this post....

We had an unfortunate Mac incident yesterday. During a standard, run-of-the mill internet surfing session, the computer just sort of went blank and then offered us a message in about 1,000 languages, indicating that we should restart the machine.

This we did.

About 900 times.

To no avail.

I spent over 3 hours on the phone with the guys at Apple yesterday (thank Christ I have my Apple Care plan) and we ran every single diagnostic from A to Z that you can imagine. If you're like me, you can't even begin to imagine what a computer diagnostic is, but let me tell you, there are a plethora of them. Most of them involved holding about 67 keys down simultaneously while starting up the computer. This made me think that with technology being so prominent in today's society, and the uncanny ability of the human being to adapt to the world around us, we will likely evolve into multiple-handed beings soon enough. I had to have Stephen help me out to perform most of these digital-gymnastic tasks. This is a total of 4 hands and 20 fingers, and we were still contorted like champion Twister players.

Anyway, one of the last things I tried to do was to reinstall the entire operating system. It froze midway through the process, and that is where we decided I would be best served to actually take my computer to the Genius Bar at the Apple Store and have them take a gander at it.

The bad news is that the Genius working on my computer said it was "strange" and that my computer was being "super stubborn." He is going to have to take it for a week or so to see what he can do.

The good news is that at initial appearance, the hard drive seems to have some defect, but it is responding to tests, so they are pretty sure they can back up the data, even if they have to install a new hard drive.

The other terms they were throwing around were "core panic" and "failed logic board." I have no idea what any of that crap means, but it can't be good, right? I mean, "panic" and "failed" aren't words that I generally associate with a successful computing experience.

We shall see and I shall keep you posted.

I am not sure whether I've lost all my photos. I'm such a jackass. A lesson to be learned in all of this is, for god's sakes, BACK UP YOUR FILES!

I put too much blind faith into my machine, and my backups are sporadic at best. At least I still have my pictures on my .Mac site. I'm sure I can re-import them from there into iPhoto if necessary.


1 comment:

Canoes under my shoes said...

EEEK! Backing up photos now...