I am watching Dr. Phil right now. I can't believe I'm even admitting this. The fact that I'm watching the show is even more pathetic than the show itself.
There is some woman on the show who claims that she won't even speak to people who are ugly. This in and of itself would normally not bother me. However, the fact that this woman looks like a pig (literally) with her disgusting snout and lopsided mouth (filled with crooked-ass chicklet teeth) is ridiculous to me.
In other TV news, I was all pumped for season 1 million of the Amazing Race, but found myself really disappointed with the premier. It was, in a word, boring. A majority of the episode focused on these boobs trying to find the airport in LA, the city of origin. The trip to Ireland was disappointing. Usually they highlight some cultural aspect of life in the featured country. However, the main thrust of the episode was, again, people trying to figure out driving directions. Crap.
And last night I watched the penultimate episode of "The Bachelor." I only saw the premier (and not even on purpose) so I have no connection to these people. But I just have to say that this Bachelor and Bachelorette show is so wrong on so many levels. It is so humiliating to those who participate.
Here's my opinion, since you didn't ask: Amazing Race is a weird combination of boredom and anxiety for me. I wouldn't watch it except my husband really likes to watch it together. And...I guess I'm always hoping the hippies come back. Anyhoo, it's sacrifices like that which keep you married for 20 years. Right?
The current Bachelor is as dumb as they come. We watch it and laugh at how stupid he is. That's some good TV.
I thought of you right away when the Amazing Race came around again! Yes, the first show was dumb! I was glad that the first couple that got booted because they were really mean to the mules ... Karma! ha!
Bachelor, usually I do watch it, why, whoever knows! but I have only seen one show ,two weeks ago, and now it is the final ... guess I'll tune in for the proposal!
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