Remember my pained missives about weeks on end spent with no heat in school? Well, we were laboring under the false delusion that this would be a thing of the past in a BRAND NEW BUILDING, but we were wrong. It started yesterday, with temperatures falling throughout the day. It only proved to be worse today when we were greeted by the principal on the way in with a message of, "Attention Staff, the heat is down. Please allow students to wear their outerwear in school today." And so it went. I never once took my jacket off all day long.
Same shit, different building.
I got to work today and the power had gone out on my Pepsi cooler and conveniently enough...both of my registers. Facilities attempted to fix it-but abandoned ship after lunch. Nice. Then the heat went...glorious. Oh, and it was snowing...I freaking LOVE New England!!
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