I was just reading the comment that California Mo placed on my last blog entry about the Donald Trump Show. She basically asked what the hell we're going to do now that "The Donald Trump Show" and "The Amazing Phil" are off the air for the summer.
I felt a little wave of panic when I read the question because what WILL I do all summer with out Trump and Phil?
Then I had the revelation. The answer just came to me in a rare moment of clarity.
I have been jealous all year of Reesie's ability to Tivo and DVR everything (are those the same thing? Is is like saying "cease and decist"? Am I so obviously modern-gadget illiterate?) because she has the ability to relax and watch one show all the way through while recording another for later viewing. Again, might I add, at her own leisure.
I mean, really. I was having a panic attack, racing over to the boob tube during the season finale of "Grey's Anatomy" and an intense episode of "The Donald Trump Show" trying to switch the channels at commerical breaks and get as much of both shows in as possible. I tell you, it was no joke. I didn't know a minute's peace that night. But our beloved Reesie had no such worries. She was able to sit back and watch Grey's Anatomy with ease and comfort, knowing that her sacred DVR/TIVO/VCR (whatever the hell it is) was capturing every last moment of the Trump Show for her to see later.
Have I been jealous of her? Hell yes! Would I go out and get myself one of these recording gadgets? Hell no! (Not because I don't think they're freakin' awesome, but because I would never even figure out how to use it!)
Anyway, back to my moment of clarity. My answer to the "What to do without Trump and the Amazing Phil all summer?"
I will simply use this time to go out and rent the previous seasons of shows that I have either missed or was not able to see because I was watching Trump or the Amazing Phil. I might even go back and rent previous seasons of The Donald Trump Show, just for the laughs and for the scenes not previously shown on TV.
I can't take all the credit for this idea, of course. It was actually planted in my head last week, and it seemed like a good idea then, too. But I think now, with the Trump Show finale looming ominously on the horizon, the school year coming to a close, and the commercials I'm seeing for the absolutely crap shows scheduled for the summer months, I'm more ready than ever to hit the video store.
Actually, let me give credit to the genius who gave me the catch-up-on-previous-seasons-of-hit-shows idea...
It was Julie. At the parade last weekend she suggested "Lost" among other titles. I am primed to get out there and rent that and I'm open to any other suggestions.
Join me in catching up with the rest of your tv viewing friends this summer, especially if you only have ghetto cable and a ghetto remote-controll-less TV like me!
Thanks Julie.
And as for poor Reesie....
Now that you've seen all these shows and the suspense is not there for you...what are you going to do?
And for you, California Mo, I hope this gives you some ideas as to how to deal with a Trump and Amazing Phil Free summer
Well, Jovi, I hate to burst your bubble, but my sister Laurita, who actually works in the ghetto, told me that no self-respecting ghetto person would be without the latest in video technology. It's the clueless video illerates like you and me that linger without the modern conveniences so long that another has been invented by the time we finally succumb and pay good money for outdated equipment. As for me, I'll be too busy trying to keep my teenager from getting knocked up indulge in video catch-up. But you...you deserve a nice, long summer full of rented videos, good beer and a trip to Croatia to cap it all off. Dear God, I'm jealous! Cheers!
Rent the Sopranos or Six Feet Under. Both are awesome. I think you'd love Six Feet Under. ALso, I Saw in Target the 1st series of The Facts Of Life on dvd, so you are all set!
All TiVos are DVRs, but not all DVRs are TiVos.
DVR is Digital Video Recorder. TiVo is a specific brand of DVR, with a lot of advanced features and a much better user interface, scheduling system, etc, then other DVRs. They were also the first DVR on the market, so they're the trailblazer and leader.
So calling a TiVo a DVR is accurate, but calling another DVR a TiVo is not. A Mercedes is a car, so is a Yugo, but a Yugo isn't a Mercedes. ;-)
Awesome suggestions Jovi! I like Ims129's idea of Six Feet Under, I've always been curious about it...thanks for the great ideas! Blockbuster will be my new best friend, well besides your "Amazing Blog" of course!!!
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