I know, I know. I have taken an unacceptably long hiatus from the blogging scene. I've been busy, I guess. Although, that said, I'm not quite sure just what I've been busy doing. All I know is that I've hardly been home lately, my apartment is a total dump, I have mountainous piles of laundry and I have not blogged in days. In my life, these are all the trappings of a chaotic schedule.
As an aside, why is it that my apartment is messiest when I'm not around? Would logic not dictate that if I am not in my dwelling I can't mess it up? Oh well, most of my life runs counter to logic, so why should this be an exception?
Anyway, as I meander around the town these days, I often think about and observe things that would make perfect fodder for my blog. But of course, seeing as where my memory is a sieve, I often forget these things before I sit myself down in front of my computer.
Since I am neither cool enough, hip enough nor rich enough to own a sexy MacBookPro laptop computer complete with wireless internet capabilities, I don't have the luxury of whipping out my computer to blog whenever and wherever the fancy strikes. To that end, I've adopted Allie's fondness for "tiny, tiny notebooks" so as to facilitate keeping track of my blog-worthy experiences.
*Note: Allie does not use her notebooks for blogging; she uses them to maintain her massive princess sticker collection, but still....
Anyway, a brief update of blog-worthy moments...

Last night, after the gym, I went to Harvard Square, having completely forgotten that yesterday was Harvard commencement day. I needed to visit my good friends at Aveda to replenish my rapidly dwindling makeup supply. Anyhow, upon emerging from the train, I saw that the usual swarms of humanity had a slightly different appearance. Oh yes....they were all decked out in their graduation caps and gowns. The commencement exercises had ended hours before, mind you, but there's this ofdd persistance among Harvard grads to walk around in their caps and gowns for DAYS after the commencement. I'm not kidding. And they do not confine their movement to Harvard Square, either. Or to Cambridge, for that matter. Oh no. They will be scene in full graduation gear for up to 72 hours in Somerville, Cambridge and other far reaches of the greater Boston area.
Sure, you could argue that they have the right to be proud of graduating from Harvard, but something about wearing a graduation cap and gown to buy toilet paper in bulk at Costco in Everett 3 days after graduation just smacks of severe attention starvation to me.
Get over it. When I graduated from Bates, the whole ceremony took one hour and when it was over, we had to hand in our robes. No hope of walking around Lewiston/Auburn (Maine) for days on end in the outfit.
Anyway, I almost forgot to mention that when I went to board the T at Porter Square, it was around 6 o'clock, peak rush hour. Tokens are 1.25 each. I needed only one. I presented myself at the token window and gave the cashier a 20 dollar bill. When she saw the 20 spot, she reacted as if I'd just shoved a venemous snake down her pants. She went into frantic plantive cries about only having 2 single dollar bills in the way of change. I told her I still planned to board the next train. I reasoned that since I had been perfectly willing to pay, and she was the one out of change, AND the T is way overpriced anyway, I'd just get on. As I walked through, the token lady screamed, "I'm going to take this up with my supervisor." To that I replied, "Why don't you also take up the issue with him that he left you in a T hub during rush hour at a token booth without even enough change to break a 5." I then turned on my heel, waltzed right through the gates, and boarded the then waiting train.
The rain is driving me mad. If I didn't drink already, I would be driven to do so.
My colleague and I showed the kids the film Apollo 13. What an incredible movie. I'd seen it 100 times and it never fails to move me to tears. History and the 100 previous viewings have enlightened me to the fact that the astronauts survive, but I remain on the edge of my seat every time...especially during the harrowing 4-minute reentry scene. If you have not seen this film, do yourself a favor and see it immediately.
I also feel I owe it to Ron Howard to give him a shout out for this masterpiece, as I was knocking the DaVinci Code recently.
In other movie news, I aws all stoked up to see The Omen, but then realized it was just a total remake of the original. What's with the remake crap?
I have to mention that I had all 8th graders in my room for over 2 hours today. There are almost 40 of them. I then left the room for a second and came back in, only to realize that it stunk to high heavens in there. I guess I had not noticed the BO buildup occuring over the two hours. The kids in my homeroom came back in an almost got knocked out. One of them asked, "What's that smell?"
I said, "My friend, I think what you're smelling is the distinctive aroma of teen spirit."
Have a great weekend!

You failed to mention that when you graduated from Bates, Jerry Springer was the guest speaker.
I'm so thankful I haven't had to witness such horrible grandstanding by the Harvard Grads! As if they aren't full enough of themselves already. What a nauseating, and yet slightly amusing habit. Amusing in such a way as to make me want to laugh AT them, not WITH them.
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