I have been named an "honorary Brazilian" by my many, many Brazilian students. They collectively decided to bestow this title upon me because of my unflappable devotion to the Brazilian football* team in the 2006 World Cup.
*In most countries, the word "soccer" does not exist. The sport we call soccer here is called "football" in most of the world. What, then, do non-Americans call the sport we call "football"? They simply call it "American Football." So, from this point further in this post, I will use the word "football" instead of "soccer."
Anyway, back to my unflappable devotion to Brazil.
My Brazilian kids asked, "Ms. B., who will you support in the World Cup?
I replied, "Why, Brazil, of course!"
This surprised them, as they all jumped to the conclusion that I would support the USA team.
Let me just say that I have absolutely nothing against the American team. I would be very happy if they won. In the games they have played so far, I have rooted for them all the way. However, I just feel that football is something that might be important to some people here in the USA, but the Brazilians are freakin' fanatical football fans! It is always such a hoot to see the most invested fans claim victory. I love seeing the pure joy of an entire nation, as would be the case if Brazil won. If the USA won, me and some other guy in like Arkansas might be aware of the victory, but really, would we revel in the victory as much as our friends in Brazil would? Clearly not.
Last week, when Brazil faced Croatia in a match, my students were very concerned that I might be conflicted, seeing as where I love Croatia. I reassured them that, yes, I love Croatia, but that I feel no real allegiance to the Croat football team. On the other hand, I feel much more invested in Brazil because I know so many Brazilian people personally and I ADORE them, so I'd love to see their team win. (I have to tell you, if you don't know any Brazilians, they are the absolute NICEST people you can ever meet! I love 'em.) This seemed to allay their fears as they knew that I would push on with my cheering for Brazil.
Then the kids got a little nervous that I might be all up in the German team, seeing as where I lived in Germany, and clearly love German people. Once again, I reassured them that my love of Germany and all things German will not impede my active backing of the Brazilian side.
The kids must have decided that I passed the test because, as I said, today they decreed that I would, from here on out, be an honorary Brazilian. They gave me a little card with the Brazilian flag on it and a bunch of stuff written in Portuguese. Of course, I can't understand any of the Portuguese, but I have a feeling the little greetings they wrote are warm and effusive. Why do I assume these things? Well, because Brazilians themselves are warm and effusive by nature.

The picture contained a picture of Renaldo (pictured above.) Renaldo is Brazil's national hero. He is the best footballer on the team today, and one of the best in Brazil's history. In a country where football is the lifeblood, being one of the best ever is no small feat. They were delighted that I recognized Renaldo at once and didn't require any explanation.
Anyway, I'm thrilled to be an honorary Brazilian, but I must say that I kind of wish I were the real thing. Brazilian women are always gorgeous and thin and have the most bubbly personalities. I guess I'll have to settle for the honorary status. I was kind of hoping the kids would give me one of the cool Brazil t-shirts they are all wearing. Or maybe a pair of the great sparkley Brazil flag earrings. Or even one of the necklaces. Or the bracelets. Or the hats. Or the flip-flops. You get my point. There is no shortage of Brazil football clothing. Many of the kids wear some, if not all, of the items listed above at any one time.
it is really awesome to see people so devoted to their country and culture in such a fun way.
I have to get to Brazil some day.

Anyway, as for the World Cup. I love it. I never really follow football at any other time. I watch the World Cup with very little investment in any particular team (except Brazil, of course), or any particular player. I don't even know any of the individual players. I enjoy watching the game and it is that simple.
If you haven't been sold on the World Cup yet, let me try to sell you on a couple of points...
1. The World Cup is just that...the WORLD Cup. Whereas the Superbowl and the World Series generally involve American teams (unless a Canadian team makes the world series) playing sports that are mainly played in the USA, the World Cup brings teams from every continent and many, many countries together. The fans come from all over the world to see their teams play. The winner of this event is truly the WORLD champ.
2. The World Cup is always played in a great country and the games are spread out over many cities. This year, for example, the World Cup is taking place in Germany. Games are being held all over the country. (Stephen and I saw the Munich Stadium in its final stages of construction last year. It was the one that looks like a huge bouncy castle on the outside). During commercial breaks, historical points about the country are incorporated and aerial views of the relevant cities are shown. It is a neat thing to see.
3. There are always some great commercials on the boob tube during the thing.
4. And it never hurts that there are totally hot men to stare at the entire time. I mean, look at the guy below. He's some Croatian hottie. I mean, Christ. What's wrong with looking at this for 90 straight minutes.

Um....World Cup? That's not sports, is it?
i used to LOVE "football." i've always wanted to go to a revolution game...but i'm happy with the baseball:)
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