Lauren and I went to check out the Sex and the City movie today. If you are still dying to see the movie, I promise you can still read on without learning of any of the movie's plot twists and turns. I wouldn't do that to you.
I will say that I think the movie is well worth its admission price. The actresses look great, the dialogue is as witty and snappy as ever, and the story line will keep you very much engaged.
The funny, silly scenes are typical Sex and the City fodder. Nothing surprising there. The more dramatic scenes are extremely well acted. I felt as emotionally invested in these characters as ever.
The filming was often done in such a way as to have the four ladies sitting around an "open-ended" table, sharing a laugh, and really pulling the viewer in as the fifth friend in the crew.
The film lasts for around 2.5 hours. The Boston Globe dubbed it "Lord of the Rings For Girls." I couldn't agree more.
If you were a fan of the show, go check out the movie. It is well worth the time and money spent.
Ok, but here's the deal...
Lauren and I, being the punctual creatures that we are, arrived at the cinema around 20 minutes prior to the beginning of the previews, even. We were all perched in prime movie theatre real estate (aisle seats on a row at the back of the rather small theatre) ready to view our "old friends" from a comfortable vantage point.
I took a trip to the restroom (quelle surprise) prior to the start of the previews. When I returned, Lauren announced that we would have to leave our seats and find other seating. I was a big nervous at this point. You see, the theatre was about three quarters full, with only the front row seats available. She said the woman who had come to our row during my trip to the can had on some really noxious perfume.
Lauren is a lot more sensitive to smell than I am, so I told her we could switch seats. She could sit on the aisle and I would sit next to the perfume lady. So, we executed the seat switch. Lauren had barely settled into her aisle seat, and I still had yet to plant my ass in her newly vacated seat when the odor of this woman's perfume hit me full on. I had no self-censoring in place when I proclaimed, "This is really BAD! We need to get out of here."
If I had thought about it, I would not have been so obnoxious because the woman understood that we were leaving because of her. But seriously, if she was going to be "in my face" with her perfume, I could be in her face with my comments.
So, we were forced to move to practically the front of the theatre. We had been planted in the middle of the theatre, but now we were relegated to the side. So, we had to sit there with our necks craned sideways and upwards. I'm still sore, but I think the evasion of the perfume (and I know I'm going to spell this next word wrong, but I'm not even going to try to correct it) asphyxiation was well worth a little neck kink. I'll let you know when I evaluate the mobility range of my neck tomorrow.
Peace out
I am exasperated for you. (I'm sure I spelled that wrong, but you know what I mean!) Prime Movie Real Estate is precious, and you shouldn't have had to give yours up.
Wrong Wrong Wrong. I hate it when you can taste perfume without licking someone's neck.
Glad the movie was good though. I've GOT to go see it!!!
Why do people feel the need to put cologne or perfume on with a firehose before subjecting someone to it in the theater. I don't know what was worse, my stiff neck from the movie or a potential migraine from the old bat's parfum?
we'll just have to go see it again. This time with a flask of cosmos.
What IS the deal about perfume ... and what about the deal with Men and their "foofy stuff"!! Sometimes I go into the station at work and get gagged by the fumes which I guess they think is "lovely" yuck!!
Oh, must see the movie and hopefully will but I think the last movie I saw in a theater was "Titanic" .. I know, I know ... don't get out much!!
Hey where is Lauren's blog? she's MIA ! I miss her!! :(
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