To: General Public
From: Nants
Re: Personal Hygiene Crisis
It is nearly summer. Temperatures are on the rise. It is crucial that all of us make it a habit to take regular showers. Unless you are living in a secluded cabin in the middle of the deepest depths of the woods and have no intentions of ever seeing another living soul, you MUST shower daily. If you are taking public transportation, you absolutely MUST shower. You must also use deodorant and wear clean clothes. Brush your teeth for good measure while you're at it.
This is no laughing matter, people. This is extremely serious business.
Refusing to shower is not cute. It's not quaint. It's not "environmentally responsible." Think of other ways to save the planet if you must; bike instead of driving, recycle, use a reusable water bottle...whatever. Just please, please do not forgo the daily sower.
I beg of you.
If you really wanted to be serious about saving water, you could even take SPONGE BATHS! :) Or try the French solution - PERFUME! :)
I don't think Nants is in favor of the French solution.
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