Thursday, January 07, 2010

What was I thinking when....?

1. I told my husband, "Go right ahead. Put on that Netflix movie featuring early footage of Metallica!" To be honest with you, it sounds either like Metallica were performing in a tin can, or that my 4 year-old niece recorded them using her Fisher Price "my-first-boom-box" radio. Possibly both.

2. I expected the 7-day T pass that I purchased to actually work?

3. I called the T, expecting a quick and convenient solution to remedy said 7-day pas SNAFU? Of course I have to haul ass all the way over to Park Street to get the pass re-encoded. (?? HUH??)

4. I expected there to actually be a T employee manning the cavernous Porter Square station? Naturally there was no such person there and so I cannot get my pass to activate the automated door to allow me the access I need to the train to take me to Park Street to get the pass squared away? (When I called the T to find out what was going on, the woman quite seriously asked me why on earth nobody was working the Porter Square station. Seriously. She really did. I guess I'm now in charge of scheduling ground personnel for the entire MBTA system. Damn.)

5. I sent the two students whose lifelong goal seems to be to elevate procrastination and lollygagging to high artforms to get the morning fruit snacks today?

6. I bought three sweaters from three separate stores without trying them on last weekend? Of course I HATE all of them and have to bring them back. So much for saving a few minutes in the fitting room. This will amount to hours standing in return lines. And of course, I'll have to negotiate the T on the aforementioned busted pass in order to get downtown. Not the brightest move I've ever made.

7. I skipped right over the introductory workout in the Jillian Michaels "30 Day Shred" video? I thought I was in some semblance of decent enough shape to take on a 30 minute workout. Yeah..right!

8. I decided to wear a really heavy sweater to work today all while failing to account for the wildly fluctuating temperatures in my building? Today it was about 96 degrees in my classroom. Why not shed the sweater, you ask? Well, I had a maroon bra and a really flimsy white t-shirt under said sweater. Not a professional look.

9. I opted for a career that requires me to be coherent enough to deal with dozens of teenagers at ungodly early hours of the morning.

10. I poured myself a Diet Coke just moments before heading to bed for the evening? I guess I'm kidding myself if I think I'll be getting any sleep with this Metallica thing blaring in the background anyway.

11. I allowed myself to sit entranced in front of the boob tube watching two full hours of "LA Ink" over the Christmas vacation. Those are two hours of my life I'll never get back.

12. I somehow lost my sneakers. Yeah. Lost. As in...I can't find them. I do not have small feet. Two of my sneakers should not be hard to find.

I'm sure there are a few other gems I'm leaving out. As the Metallica video blares in the background, I'm thinking that I did well in placing it in this list's top position.


Anonymous said...

I'm jealous, I actually love Metallica. I know what you mean about watching really crappy tv and not getting that time back. I watched this awful movie You Me and Dupree. The only good thing was I watched it at work so I got paid to watch it,

Laurita said...

Your T pass Snafu reminds me of my mortgage/tax snafu. Why are these things impossible to remedy?

JoviFan said...

This Metallica thing is really bad. And Stephen is after having a couple of beers, so he is watching it AGAIN. And this time he is insisting that I watch it with him.