On the thrid day of our trip, August 6, Stephen proposed to me on the quaint and romantic island of Korcula, pictured below.

We had gone to dinner and were sitting down in a cute little outdoor bar on the midieval walls overlooking the Adriatic Sea having a beer (of course, anybody who knows me and Stephen will hardly be shocked to see that beer factors into the equation) when Stephen reached across the table to take my hand. When my hand met his, he placed something round, metal and quite heavy into my hand. Before I even looked, I knew it was a ring. I asked, "Is this what I think it is?" Stephen confirmed my engagement ring suspicion and asked me, "Will you marry me?"
Of course the answer was YES!
My ring, incidentally, is fantastic! The band is platinum with alternating diamonds and sapphires. I told Stephen once that although I tend not to be a big jewelry person, I do LOVE sapphires. He chose the ring all on his own and it is perfect. I would have chosen exactly the same one if I had been there with him.
This is obviously a very exciting development!
Our next project is to go get the ring sized. It is currently a size 6, which is apparently "standard" ring size. But since I have hands that would make an NBA player jealous, it has to be sized out to a 7.5 or 8.
There are no dates in the works as of yet. We will probably plan to marry within the year. I'll keep you posted on any further developments.
The picture below was taken just moments after the engagement was made official!

HA! Juanita told me about this a week ago and I've been holding back by not writing about it on my BLOGGIE! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Congrats, Nance!!
I'm very happy for you and Stephen! I wish you all the joy in the world!
I knew about this too and it was so hard to not comment about it on my blog as well. I wish you nothing but the best.
Congratulations Nancy! I am very happy for you and your fiance! Woo hoo, another huge party this year! I wish you both a life of happieness together. You look like a great couple. Love ya,
Fwiz P!
Naw. These are my new top choices for wedding songs...
1. What's Love Got to do With it? by Tina Turner.
2. Welcome to the Jungle by Guns and Roses.
What a beautiful ring! I'm so happy for you, Stephen looks like a winner, (of course, until he has a blog, I won't know for sure.)
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