There are only two things standing between me and Croatia right now:
1. My last day of summer school.
2. 17 hours of travel. (Including layovers)
At 5:00 tomorrow mornings (Boston time), I will be arriving in Croatia. It will be 11:00 in the morning there. I will be exhausted. I will feel gross after many, many hours in airplanes and airports. I will want to sleep, I'm sure, as I NEVER manage to sleep on planes. But I also know that the minute I step out of that airport in Dubrovnik, I will be eager to get myself to the hotel, showered, deloused and changed and then right out the door to the first outdoor bar where I will drink my first of many, many Croatian beers. And of course, my first dip in the Adriatic Sea will not be far behind my first sip of beer. And I'm sure there will be a lovely meal of grilled fish (that I will have seen the guy catch three seconds before) on the cards, too.
I spent many hours last night packing and repacking my bag. I was determined to bring my backpack and a small carry on and nothing else. I am going to try to avoid checking luggage. With flights going through New York, Manchester and eventually Dubrovnik, the potential for the luggage to become lost is too great. I know, I know, the airlines are usually good about getting stuff to you right away, but we'll be moving around a bit in the first few days of our trip. And when I think of having to wear the same clothing that I had on the plane for all those hours for several days, I get pretty skeeved out. Plus, I heard that British Airways were actually "handling" our flight, even though it is indicated as an American Airlines flight. Either way, I figure we'll be happy. I actually really like British Airways, but there is one slight problem...I have never traveled with British Airways that they have NOT lost my luggage. Why let that little tradition carry on?
Anyway, guys, I will try to check in on my blog and yours while away. There are certainaly plenty of intenet cafes. But I'm surely not going to be able to post photos until I get back . And believe me, there will be plenty of photos!
I hope you all keep well and stay cool in this heat!
Peace out!
I'll really miss you, Blog Friend! Bon Voyage! And BTW, American Airlines lost my luggage in November and I had to wear YUKKY MAN CLOTHES for my first day in London, (I borrowed from my husband's suitcase.) It was tragic. Kudos to you for avoiding that kind of heartache.
happy trails!! have a LOT of cold ones for me!!
HAVE SO MUCH FUN!! Send postcards!! - Jules
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