About a year ago, Reesie got me started on the Gilmore Girls. I'm not sure how that even evolved, but before I knew it, I had taken temporary possession of her entire Gilmore Girls DVD library and was oddly compelled to watch three, sometimes four episodes in one sitting.
I found myself enjoying the show immensly. I was quickly drawn to the quick-paced signature Gilmore banter, the ceaseless pop culture references, and the endlessly likable characters and their even more adorable small town, Stars Hollow. I was hooked. I even found myself going to Target to buy one of the seasons that Reesie was missing from her collection. I simply had to see how things worked out with Jess, Logan, Luke....or whatever gorgeous looking boy/man was haunting Loralei Senior and/or Junior.
Anyway, it was only through reading Reesie's blog last blog entry that I realized that the Gilmore Girls Glory was in its Swan Song final phases. Only two episodes left, she reported. Suddenly, I started to feel guilty. I haven't even watched all of the episodes this season. Do I even have the right to lay claim to Gilmore Girls departure sadness? Finally, I decided that I do, indeed, have the right to be sad at the loss of a great show. I can be, at once, a fair weather fan, and a mournful viewer. Why not?
I figure that at one point, Reesie and I will sit together and have a Gilmore DVD marathon, and I will eventually catch up on all the episodes I have missed.
The thing is, I'm going to stop commenting here for two reasons::
1. I don't want to spoil the final episode for anybody who hasn't seen it yet.
2. Reesie's entry will undoubtedly be far more heartfelt than mine, and will easily eclipse anything I have to say, both in conent and sheer literary talent.
I'll leave the true work of analysing the final Gilmore episode to Reesie, in other words.
I also thought I would note that it was so vital that I see the Gilmore Girls that I rushed home in order to do so. Well, I TRIED to rush home. I had to wait for the bus for over an hour, though, when it should have been there every 15 or 20 minutes or so. Christ.
And by the time it finally came, it was so freakin packed. It wasn't just packed from home-from-work commuters, either, but rather with people who had apparently just returned from an epic round-the-globe journey a la Shackleton. The amount of suitcases, trunks and other large, cumbesome luggage was unlike anything I'd ever seen in my life!

I thought about taking another bus, but then I remembered that some dealy had caused 3 previously scheduled busses from this route to miss their run. I decided against chancing it, and hopped aboard. After all, I had to say goodbye to Loralei, Rory, Kirk, Luke, Sookie...etc.
1 comment:
Awww...I would really love to have a Gilmore Girls marathon of the "swan song" season!! I'm torn right now-I won't lie...I actually cried. I'm a goof...I realize-but I won't apologize for it!! Ha! I think this episode was one of my favorite's of the season-and last week was good too. Finally. But I'm really sad to see it end-I'm even sadder that my DVR warped the whole thing and the playback is all pixillated and shit. I know...VERY good writing skills! So, I'll definitely complete my collection of DVD's as soon as 7 becomes available and we'll have our very own GG reunion get together complete with real Red Vines, Martini's, Coffee, and cheeseburger's that I'll hire a guy named Luke or Caesar to make for us! Ha! Thanks for becoming a fan with me! It's made the last two seasons more bearable!!
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