I'm beginning to think that our little blogging group has fallen apart. None of us is writing as much as we used to. And I miss reading your silly little comments on my blog.
So, are any of you girls still out there, or am I in blogland all alone?
Boston was walloped by a pretty significant snowstorm on Thursday. Our superintendent of schools released us on noon Thursday. It proved to be a really good call on his part. I ended up going to lunch near my school with two of my colleagues. We spent a leisurely couple of hours in the coffee shop, chatting and enjoying our gourmet sandwiches. The snow had only just started when we entered the cafe, but in the just under two hours that we were there, it really accumulated!
One of my colleagues takes the same bus home as I do. I was never more glad to have somebody's company on a bus ride; we spent 2 and a half hours on the bus. Normally this is like a 30 minutes (tops...in high traffic) ride. I was going a little stir crazy at the end of that ride!!!
the snow continued to fall fast and furiously right on through about 8 last night.
I woke up the rooster to hold "no school announcement" vigil with me. I was starting to lose heart; although Boston called off school, (which is usually a pretty good barometer as we often follow suit), but none of the other telltale districts were calling. I started to stir from my comfy perch on the sofa, entertaining thoughts of the commute nightmare, when all of a sudden, my school district was announced as being closed!!!
Honestly, the school could have easily opened. The weather wasn't that bad. The snow was pretty easy to negotiate in my travels. Public transportation was running (relatively) seamlessly and the car traffic was moving pretty smoothly. I know we have to make up the missed day in June, but seriously, it is soooo much easier to wait for the bus in the warm sun on a June day than it is to slip and fall in patches of ice in the still-pitch-black New England winter mornings.
I was at a 7:00 AM spinning class, I did all my food shopping, and cleaned every room in my house.
I might even tackle the laundry next!!
Yeah, this day off was well worth it.
There is supposed to be another storm coming Sunday night. We'll see if that translates to another day off on Monday. I'll keep you posted....if you're even reading, that it!!!
I'm still here!!! I LOVE your blog! Snow days ...hmmmmm ..nope, not out here, maybe mudslides or fires but no snow in Malibu as of today (that is where I am currently stationed) ...although it has dipped down to 30's ... yes, I hear your little violin playing for me!! :) ... and I still am wearing shorts to work ... with a sweatshirt and maybe even Ugg boots!
love the shorts and Ugg. The Boston College girls are still wearing that outfit....even with the snow storms!
I finally posted a little tidbit! I'm trading this snow nonsense for hurricanes...crazy...yes...but also warm!!!
Hey girl, I'm still here. I'll admit, I've been a bad blogger. I think maybe I associate blogging with my horrible trial-trauma, and I just can't bring myself back to that bad place anymore. It truly was one of the low points of my entire life. Anyway, I thought of you when I heard about all the snow out East. Sounds like you are dealing with it quite stoically, and I would expect no less from you. Merry Christmas to you!
I love a good snow day. Usually, that's my cue to stay home, wear PJs all day and bake cookies. On our last snow day, however, I lost power and had to pack up the girls and move to a warmer habitat. I was glad I had the option, but it kind of made that snow day SUCK.
And yes, I'm still reading.
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