So, how was Christmas, everybody?
My Christmas was great! I spent time with both my family and Stephen's (this being my first Christmas as a married woman) and got some fabulous gifts.
Lauren gave me the entire Sex and the City series, which blew me away! I have already watched about a million episodes, and I'm only halfway through season 2! I've seen most of the episodes, but, never having subscribed to HBO, I've seen them all out of sequence and edited for network television. I love seeing the whole series unfold in its rightful order of events. I know I'm jumping on the "Let's talk about Sex and the City" bandwagon a little late (like four years after the series officially ended), but I have to mention a few things...
First of all, Miranda is a riot! I never really had any strong feelings about her character one way or the other, but the more I watch the show, the more I get a kick out of her one-liners. She is so acerbic and cheeky. I love it! I also think it's really funny that Charlotte, the total prude of the bunch, keeps meeting these men with these hideous sexual proclivities. How funny!
Anyway, thanks, Lauren, for making this vacation fun with plenty of episodes of Sex and the City to keep me entertained. I've mentioned to a lot of my friends that you gave me this, and they are all inviting themselves over for a series viewing marathon. I'll have to let you know when it's going to take place.
I got some great books, too. Stephen's parents gave me, Animal, Vegetable, Mineral by Barbara Kingsolver, which I'm dying to read. Stephen gave me a book about the serial killer who is the subject of my all time favorite book, Devil in the White City, H.H. Holmes. The title of this book is, aptly, Depraved. I also got Bill Clinton's book, Giving. I think Bill is brilliant. He could write fortune cookie and I'd think it was nobel prize worthy. I think I might be the only person, beside for Bill himself, who read his autobiography in its entirety .
Those are just a few of the great books I got.
I also scored some nice gift certificates and a lovely necklace and earrings set from Stephen. I love seahorses, and he found the coolest necklace and earrings with these lovely silver seahorses on them. He also gave me some books and a pair of Nike Shoxx for my busted feet. They seem to do something to keep the pain at bay while I'm exercising, too, which is great!!

At any rate, I mentioned my favorite book, Devil in the White City just a few minutes ago. I am delighted to see that Juanita is reading it because it rocks! I gave a copy of it to my principal (not because she is my principal, but because she wrote a letter of recommendation for me to a graduate program) and lent both of my copies (yeah, I have two) to two colleagues to read over the Christmas break. I had a hard time letting one of them go because I was actually in the middle of reading it AGAIN!! However, since it was like my 9th time through the thing, I figured it was for the greater good to let her borrow it. I was happy to learn that she read it and then passed it to her husband, who thought it was amazing, too. And one of my gym friends just mentioned that she made her husband buy it for her for Christmas. She is aptly blown away by it, too!
I think the author of Devil should thank me for boosting his sales like 3,000 percent. If you still haven't read this book yet, waste no time in getting your arse to the bookstore to procure your copy today!!
'nuff said.
I'm reading Devil in the white city too ... on your suggestion ... actually from ...hmmm ...how many months ago ... started it then , put it down and will get back to it after the holidays...it IS really great. I also bought Thunderstruck, saw it at Costco, so I had to get it!
I got a Border's gift certificate for Christmas and that's what I"m getting!
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