So, this week's question was posed by Dilpreet, and it it was, "If you could spend the day with any five people, past or present, famous or non-famous, who would they be."
Fun question.
I had my 5 people pretty quickly.

Naturally Bono was on my top 5. He's interesting, motivated, artistic, and brilliant. If I got annoyed listening to his "save the world" spiel, I could always just ask him to lapse into song for a moment or two. Plus, say what you will...maybe he's pretentious, and maybe he has a god complex. He's certainly teenie, tiny, short. But the guy is sexy.

Naturally my hero, Bill Clinton, had to factor into the equation somewhere. As far as I'm concerned, this guy is still the president. Ok, he's still MY president. I don't acknowledge the current administration. George W. Who? Anyway, I LOVES me some Bill Clinton. Make no mistakes, I have no desire to shag the guy, but I do think he's pretty amazing. You should pick up his book, "Giving" if you haven't already. Honestly, it will inspire you to want to be a better human being. Bill could be in the process of becoming a stronger former president than he was a sitting president. Naw, though, the guy is great not matter what. He could write a fortune cookie and I'd call it an oeuvre of genius!

I NEED to meet Erik Larson, author of the mind-blowing Devil in the White City. I won't take much of his time, though, because he MUST get back to writing the next book to blow my mind!! I plan on telling him simply to cast aside all of his other daily obligations (taking the kids to school, feeding the pets, shopping, cleaning the house, etc) and promptly set about hiring somebody to do all these things for him so that he may devote every waking moment to penning his next chef-d'oeuvre.

Naturally I have to meet Samuel L. Jackson so that we can discuss how I'd like him to portray me when he plays me in the movie Hollywood will eventually make of my riveting life. We need to make sure he nails the role. Besides, just being seen with SLJ has to boost my street cred because he's just so DAMN COOL!!

Last but not least, my boy, Jon Bon Jovi. Look at the picture and then ask yourself if you really need me to spell out why I want to spend some time with this cool drink of water.
WHo did most of the kids pic? Hannah Montana?
Wow. I'm a Jovi fan now.
oh my gosh...i'm totally speechless regarding the picture of jbj!!! i need some time to recover!!!
i would pick:
1) Judy Garland (just to sing showtunes with her!!)
2) Justin Timberlake (like there needs to be an explanation why!)
3) Walt Disney
4) L. Frank Baum
5) Jane Austen
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