The Trumpster is at it again! He has started off this newest season of The Donald Trump Show (aka the Celebrity Apprentice) by canning somebody who, in this blogger's humble opinion, should not have been canned at all.
Former Playboy Playmate of the year, Tiffany Fallon, was canned after failing to enlist Hugh Heffener's help in a charity hot dog hawking event. Fallon claims she didn't get Hef on the horn because she was waiting to get him to help in a bigger event later in the series. This proved to be a fatal mistake on two points. The first and most obvious mistake she made was not emphasizing the fact that Omorosa specifically told her not to exploit her celebrity in order to win the competition. She next mistake was not pulling out all the big guns immediately, as Trump himself seems ever ready to do.

I'm convinced that if Tiffany had been more emphatic in blaming Omorosa for her failure to fully exploit her celebrity, Omorosa would have been canned.
I think, though, that Trump is very savvy indeed. He knows that the last season of the show tanked in the ratings and he obviously knows this season is do or die. (I'm not sure that the celeb thing will help bail out the show, but I give Trump a wink for his pluck in trying again.) He knows that everybody freaking hates Omorosa, but that we all LOVE to hate her. If he canned her too early in the season, before we even know who the hell the other washups are, we might not tune in.
Honestly some British guy was trying to put Omorosa down by telling her that "nobody even knows who you are." Obviously he thinks that he's more famous than she is. Sadly (and this really is a sad state of affairs), Omorosa is an asshole, but everybody knows who she is. I have no idea who the British chump is.
Anyway, I almost fell over when I saw Elaine from Taxi on the show. I had no idea she was still kicking. And what is Gene Simmons doing on the show? I mean, really. I'm really shocked that he deigned to compete in a show so obviously stocked with minor D list celebs.
I guess its all about the greenbacks.
I agee with you about the Tiffany topic. Omorosa told them Not to use their celebrity and Tiffany should have brought that up to the Donald. I can't stand Omorosa and I know that I am in the majority.
I don't even know most of these people. Shuld be interesting but I still like the "regular people" better. I just hope that it doesn't just turn out to be a "who can BUY the Most Whatever to win " a challenge!
I'll keep tuning in. Hey I didn't fall asleep ... yet I watched it at work!
Allegedly Trump wanted Gene Simmons because he is such a buisness minded person, he wanted to inspire some of the other slugs. I love Gene Simmons. I love the fact that he invented and sold every KISS product out there before someone else had the opportunity to do so. I mean, the guy invented KISS caskets. Look on GOOGLE, you'll see them. You can kick the bucket and still worship KISS, I love it. The guy could sell ice to an Eskimo
I like the show so far, though I'm surprised to see that Omorosa survived the first boardroom! She is just nonsense...but if Tiffany couldn't stand up for herself there then there is no way that she could take the whole thing. I'm liking Stephen Baldwin for the win...but I think that's his move -that he's likeable. I love how laid back Simmons is...do you think he's related to Richard?
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