We celebrated Memorial Day Weekend in New Hampshire, at the much written-about cabin. As per usual, conversation and beer flowed freely and a good time was had by all.
On Sunday we decided to take a hike. We opted to go to Cherry Mountain. The experience on this mountain just reinforced my belief that the first hike of the season should not be a trek straight up a relentless trail to the top of a mountain. Granted, most hiking does involve some elevation gain, and I have never been opposed to a little physical exertion out there on the trail. It just seems that one should ease one's ass (and back, hips, quads, calfs, hamstrings, etc.) into the hiking season on a more gentle, even ambling stroll through the woods. I have no qualms with a long distance hike, or a hike that takes several hours to complete. But this 90 degree push to the top of a mountain has never been my exact idea of a cup of tea. Again, the fact that this was my first official hike in months only served to further complicate the matter.
By the time we reached the top of the thing, I was dying. In fact, I think I was close to tears a few times as I would reach the top of what I thought might be the peak, only to see miles more uphill trail stretched out before me as far as the eye could see.
The real reason for this post, though, is this...
On our way to Cherry Mountain, we stopped off at the store to pick up some water and a few snacks. The young, twenty-something year-old woman manning the register was sporting a look that was so clearly a throw-back to 1984 that I almost fell over when I saw her.
She was rocking the pleated acid washed jeans (and yeah, they were pegged and tucked into her socks!) and the tassled acid washed waist-length jean jacket. I thought I had seen it all until she turned to get a bag for our purchases. On the back of her jacket, she had a huge Tweety Bird decal, with her name (Stefani) airbrushed in glittery rainbow itallic font!
Even Stephen, who has the fashion observatory skills of our good friend, Stevie Wonder, noticed that strange things were afoot at Mac's Supermarket. He was asking me silently with his eyes, "Is this as bad as I think it is." I just nodded in the affirmative and we headed out to the car, where we both just sat in contemplative silence for a moment or two.
The funny thing is this....
In small town America, the time warp in fashion and music seems to be the norm. Aren't these people watching TV and seeing the latest fashion trends? Do they not know that the rest of the country has moved beyond the piggyback perm?
Or maybe they are watching TV, but the local affiliates of the major networks are still airing "Full House" as the prime time fare. Maybe they think the Michelle Tanner is current and that the is setting the up to the moment fashion trends?
Anyway, I'm not sure what's happening there, but it is strange!!!!
OK, enough of that...

I HAVE to know what happens at the end of the book "Wicked."
My good friend gave it to me for Christmas. I tried to get through it. No, that's an understatement. I made a heroic effort to get through it. I got all the way to page 274. But the talking animals and kingdoms and evil spells are all just deal-breakers to me. I'm not a fantasy person, you see.
But here's the thing, I MUST know how Elphaba, who seems to be quite nice in the book, turns Wicked, and how Galinda, who seems like a shallow jerk, turns out to be good. Can anybody shed any light??