We all know that I'm an absolute sucker for cool Apple products. Today i visited the brand spanking new Apple store in Boston. It was, as expected, very sexy and modern. I was prompted to visit by the fact that my iPod mini busted yesterday. The control wheel was completely jacked up. I was not even able to press it down to control the functions of the iPod. So, I just gave up on it and decided to go for a Shuffle. I went for the 1 gig model. It holds 240 songs. That's more than enough for me. I just want it for walking and for the gym. I can't envision needing more than 240 songs for any given outing. Besides, when I buy my new desktop in the fall, I'll get my educator's discount package, which includes my free iPod mini.
I decided to spoil myself with this purchase because this has been a hard week. The kids have been emotional, which has manifested itself in their being combative, weepy, or oppositional. Today, one of or seventh graders was celebrating his last day with us as his family has moved out of the district. He decided to call my colleague, his homeroom teacher, a few choice filthy names, and to threaten her. The police were called, and a stern warning was issued.
It's the freakin' weekend, and I'm going to tune into my new iPod shuffle to tune out the crap.
Given the stressfull week Nancy has had, here are the first few songs she will download on her new ipod..
We're not gonna take it (Twisted Sister)
School's out (Alice Cooper)
Take this job and shove it (Some Country Bumpkin)
Rehab (Amy Winehouse, for obvious readsons)
and last but not least..
Lay Your Hand on Me by Bon Jovi because a litle JBJ never hurt anybody!
I was going to try to continue with Lauren's list...but face it. I'm uncreative and unoriginal. So I'll offer this pearl instead...
Aint nothin' wrong with no retail therapy.
Another one.. Welcome to the Jungle
Yeah, the lyrics to that one (Jungle) pretty much sum up my every day experiences at work.
Love the Apple Store. Did I tell you that I finally bought a mac laptop! Yes, I have come to the bright side! the laerning curve is straight up by hey, it's a mac! Fun fun, fun!!!
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