If you don't like pimple talk, this might not be the post for you.
I have been pretty lucky with my skin through the years. Sure, I've had the occasional, errant blemish. But for the most part, my skin's been pretty decent to me.
But have you ever had that kind of horrible, painful, huge, under-the-skin pimple that just won't budge for weeks and weeks on end? And although it stays under the skin, the hideous red bump that lifts itself up is just sitting there, impossible to avoid? If you have not had one of these things, consider yourself very, very fortunate.
Anyway, from time to time I get one of these disgusting things on my chin. Always on the chin. I even think about touching the thing, and a bolt of electric pain shoots through my entire head. It is horrendous. And it literally feels like it is staking its claim on the entire space of my chin.
A few years ago, when I had one such pimple, I tried everything to get rid of it. Nothing worked. It was getting bigger and bigger and more and more painful by the minute. I stopped into Aveda out of sheer desperation and asked if they had anything to help with acne. Even as I was asking, I thought, "How stupid of me." I mean, sure, these people make nice cleanser and moisturizer, but these cosmetic companies really can't do anything about acne. Or so I thought.
The guy working there immediately pointed me to the above pictured product. He began to launch into his sales pitch by explaining that this product is a pure oil. I stopped him dead in his tracks and expressed my doubts about applying an oil directly to the blemish. Seems a little counterproductive, right? The guy went on to clarify; "It's not crisco!" he insisted.
So I bought the thing. I remember standing there in my bathroom mirror for minutes on end, silently encouraging myself to put this pure oil on my hideous pimple. Finally, I did it. I remember feeling the panic set in as I watched my now oily chin and my big old red mountain glisten in the bathroom mirror. Unable to look at it any longer, I shut off the light and took leave of the bathroom. I headed to bed. When I awoke in the morning, my chin no longer felt oily, but rather pleasantly dry. I touched my chin to discover that the size of the offending zit had shrunk considerably. Amazing. When I looked in the mirror, it was all but gone. One more day of treatment and it was entirely gone. Amazing!
So, I have taken to using a couple of drops of it blended into my oil-free, sensitive skin moisturizer every time I moisturize. This was upon the suggestion of the good people at Aveda, whom I trust with these issues for obvious reasons.
Anyway, Friday night I was coming home on the bus and I just so happened to feel a little itch on my chin. To my utter horror, I felt one of these pimples taking shape. It was going to be massive and agonizingly painful. I already knew that I had run out of my oil product and had not stashed up. On Saturday morning, my chin was in an abysmal state. I could hardly stand looking at myself in the mirror. Gross. And it was so sore!
I finally made it over to Aveda in the afternoon, and started the attack on the zit with my oil. I thought this one might even be beyond the capabilities of the magic oil, but I figured I should give it a try.
Lo and behold, today, Sunday, the thing is totally dried out, flat and there is nothing but a little tiny dot of red visible on my chin. I don't think it would even notice except for the fact that I know what had been lurking under my skin just mere hours ago.
So...if you are looking for a magic potion for those pesky blemishes, look no further. This is it.
You should get a kickback from Aveda! I'm going to buy some the next time I am anywhere near an Aveda store.
Your zit talk was pretty tame. I read one blog where the author talked about ropes of pus. Naturally, I was enthralled.
Holy Cow! I gotta get me some! Little did I ever imagine I would still be fighting the occasional zit at my age. The first company to come up with a combination anti-wrinkle/acne cream will have a chunk of my money. How freaking sad is that?
Oh my gosh! thanks for the tip! I know at my age who would think but I call them "subterranean zits" because I know they are there and they pain me. I'll be heading into Aveda! You Da Best
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