And so another season of the Donald Trump Show comes to a close. Only Sean and Lee remain. I'd say, judging from the picture, that neither of these guys has a thing to worry about. If they don't make it with Trump, they can resume their former line of work....fencing expensive video game equipment from Wal-Mart. I hear there's good money in that. Maybe not Trump money, but hey, sometimes you have to take what you can get.
I can't remember a season in which the two final candidates failed to even mildly interest me. I don't care about either of these guys. Sean is just annoying and Lee has only gotten this far riding on the coattails of others. How can I respect Sean when all he ever does is flail his arms about while whining about this that or the other? How can I respect Lee when he is clearly only there because he amuses Trump?
My enthusiasm is so minimal that I even FORGOT to fill in my answers to the App-REESE-tice game this week. I think I was depressed about the game after the canning of Roxanne last week. Notice I didn't say that I disagreed with her dismissal. She had really proven herself to be quite the little pain in the ass and deserved to be sent packing. But still, if there were somebody even remotely interesting left in the game I'm sure I would have at least had the fantasy Trump game in mind and I would have gotten around to casting my responses. Ahhh...
Ayway, in spite of being unmoved by the final two, I still have lots to say about the show.

Sean is such a DORK. I love the picture above, where the palm tree is strategically framed in the shot to look like some exotic floral headpiece. I really do hope the photographer did that on purpose.
Anyway, Sean wasted no time in claiming the Bare Naked Ladies concert event for himself, and even less time in procuring Tammy as a teammate. He also chose Tarek, which I thought was a good move, and Andrea, for which I was willing to have a shrink sent at my own expense to have his head examined. She was such a be-otch! Anyway, she was hacking up a lung during the show and left, sobbing, to see a doctor. Idiot. Sean appears to be in complete control of his event, but still, you never know what creative editing has been used and what surprises we can expect next week. Nothing to report on Sean, really, except that he sent Tarek to do all the Pontiac negotiating (I think Andrea was there, but unless I need to let you know that she has some rare tropical disease, contracted from the plantlife hanging above Sean's head, I won't give her any more mention in this blog), while he accompanied Tammy to sample the crab cakes for the event.
Very smart.

Lee was a mess. Is this the face of a maneating Trump executive? I think not.
First of all, he completely let Lenny take control of picking his entire team. Hi, isn't that what project managers do?? Not only that, but he let Lenny pick Pepi, who was fired in week two, and whom Carolyne, Trump and George literally did NOT even recognize (Trump asked them, laughing, "Pepi, you're fired? Did I even say that?) him. Carolyne was almost in tears. George simply scoffed, "Why in the hell would he hire THAT guy?" Lee also picked Roxanne. He did not work with her in the past few tasks, but will, I suspect, soon find out that she is extremely judgemental and simply becomes immature and petulant if the task does not go the way she wants it to go. Lee has his hands full with this crew.
Also, nevermind the crew. Let's take a long hard look at Lee. Actually, let's not..for two reasons. First, he's ugly as hell. Secondly, it does not take more than a fleeting glance to see that Lee is in WAY over his head! He had no idea how to handle the chairperson of the charity he's working for and she was onto him immediately.
I don't know where this is going, but it does not look good for Lee. As I said, though, editing is often creative in the Donald Trump Show, so we'll see where next week takes us.
Stay tuned.