Sometimes, when my back is feeling particularly tight or causing other forms of unpleasant discomfort, I just throw my pillows, blanket and heating pad on the floor and sack out for the night. For the most part, I wake up feeling OK, and head back to my real bed the following night.
I discovered, however, a few weeks ago, that settling down on the floor in front of the TV can be quite relaxing. I even fell asleep with the TV on one night, and awoke at around 3:00 AM to find an installment of the Tonight Show with Jay Leno being broadcast. It was followed by an episode of Conan O'Brien. I continued to drift in and out of sleep, catching bits and pieces of Jay's jokes. I have to say that I found it pretty enjoyable.
I have to admit that I've been sleeping on the floor in my living room very frequently lately. Not always because of my back, either. Sometimes, I just think it would be nice and comfy to throw down my blanket and pillows and nestle myself atop my heating pad and drift off to sleep with some show quietly lulling me to sleep.
In the past weeks, I have become quite the fan of Grey's Anatomy, which airs Sunday nights at 10. Naturally, I absolutely HAVE to watch the Donald Trump Show on Mondays, but where I would normally turn in right afterwards at 10, I now leave the TV on through "Medium." Sometimes I fall asleep during the 10 PM show, and sometimes I stay awake for it.
I always have the news on after whatever airs at 10.
I wake up slowly to the news and find that it stimulates me into thinking about what's happening in the world, and it makes getting up much easier.
Anyway, I have just returned from doing a food shop and I have to now go finish putting away the 7,000 tons of laundry I did last night. Then I will squeeze in a quick workout, after which I will settle in to watch "The Amazing Phil."
Go Hippies.
Its been a long day. And a long week. I think Jay and I will be ready to turn in on the early side tonight.
Ohhhhhhhhh! I almost forgot about AR tonight. I have a bad feeling about the hippies. They've looked pretty weak lately. I'd love to see MoJo go, although it IS comical when she hisses at the other teams.
Yet again, I find your television habits are something we share in common!! I just "discovered" Grey's Anatomy a few months ago and rented the first season on DVD (it's only about 8 or so episodes because it was a midseason replacement). Now I'm completely hooked!! Nice taste!
TV? I remember TV. I loved TV.
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