Let's get the most important subject right out in the open...
I am enjoying a Palaner Lager as I blog this Friday evening. This beer is going down easy. Perhaps too easy. But what do I care? I am at home. I do not have to drive anywhere, and the only place I have to be in the morning is the gym. No need to iron clothes, apply makeup, or try to look respectable. No worries. Bring on the beer.
I have not blogged in a week, and although I should be trying to catch you up on important happenings in my life, (such as the fact that I found out TODAY that one of my students has been bullied all year long by other kids in school), I will instead comment upon the escapist world of television programs and other equally insignificant items.
1. Thanks for sticking with me through my endless template pages. I liked my original format, but I felt like I needed a more summery change. I switched to pink. It didn't work for me. I am back to the original design of my blog, but the colors are slightly different. Brighter, perhaps.
2. Donald Trump Show...

I think this says it all!
Sean knew his Walmart task was going to hell in a handbasket pretty fast. This is the finished product.

The "boys" decided to outsource the design of the display to a graphic art company. Big mistake. In theory, of course, it is completely acceptable to outsource such aspects of the task as graphic design, but when the artist called and said that he needed an extra SEVEN HOURS to execute the floor, Sean just sat there. He never saw the need to institute a "plan B." Shouldn't he have realized that the graphic designers were completely unreliable? The short answer is yes. Immediately upon smelling this rat, Sean should have jumped on the ball and figured out a way to make his display happen.
As you can easily see from the picture above, the XBOX hut was a dump. The thing had no roof and was essentially caving in upon itself.
The men won simply because they had a few strategically placed Walmart price tags lying around. They had iPods in Styrofoam cups and a plethora of equally pathetic dispays, but they did display the Walmart prices.
In the end, this ended up winning the task for the boys.
I was disappointed in the pathetic work the women did. In particular, I was really disturbed by Roxanne. Roxanne is my season pick and she had, prior to this task, always proven herself to be reliable, dependable and ethical. In this task, however, she decided she didn't like what Tammy was doing right from the get-go, and she never even so much as lifted a finger to help Tammy.
Allie and Roxanne are lethal together. If they like you, they'll kill themselves working for you. If they do not like you...pack your bags.
I feel as if the producers of the Donald Trump Show have put so much work into playing up the friendship of Roxanne and Allie that they will most likely be squaring off against each other in the finale. What better drama than two best buds facing off against each other in the finale?
Onto the Amazing Phil...I mean, Race..

BJ and Tyler, the Hippies, won the race. I was extremely happy that the frat boys didn't win because they were just arrogant jerks. I didn't mind Ray and Yolanda so much, but they would be hours and hours behind in every task and catch up at the airport to even out the playing field. If they had won I would have been bummed. They were always getting lost and shit and they only ever caught up because of long flight delays, etc. I was glad they got eliminated in the end...for the fairness and integrity of the game.
Grey's Anatomy..
I took Reesie's advice and rented out the first season.

Funny how going back in a series gives perspective.
In this second season, I thought Meredith was so whiney and pathetic. Now, however, upon seeing the first episode I realize the extent to which McDreamy pursued her WITHOUT telling her he was married. She tried to resist and he just kept coming after her. He really hurt her and she deserves to be hurt. And if she decides to be whiney and bitchy while she's recovering, fair play to her!
Yes!! I'm so glad you've seen it!! I agree about Meredith, I love McDreamy but he deliberately misled her. Nevermind all the stuff with her mom too! I still think the thing with George this season was awful though...I didn't like her during that!!
I'm glad you watched though...someday I'll actually bring you Gilmore Girls!! HAH!
Regarding A.R., I have to say this was one of the most satisfying wins of all time. Those hippies...they were just too cute. Even when they tried to play dirty, they really couldn't pull it off. You could tell Tyler was just going through the motions, he just wasn't the dirty type. And those stinkin' frat boys! Who were they kidding? They were whining about the hippies playing dirty when they made the one and only REAL dirty move in the game back when they cancelled the taxis. I loved the Japan leg when Tyler was freakin' FLUENT in Japanese. In my opinion, anybody fluent in Japanese deserves to win the game on the merit of that skill alone. Not to mention all the other languages they bothered to learn, even if only a few indispensable words such as "please" and "thank you." I loved their spirit, their sense of humor, and their joie de vivre. They're going to be a hard act to follow next season. A very hard act to follow. One final thought for Phil: Money is not going to change those dudes, Phil, so don't worry your pretty little head about it. Heck, after taxes, they'll be lucky if they have enough to pay off those student loans at Harvard and Stanford.
Oh, and one more thing. I forgot to compliment you on your timely and most lovely Friday night brew pic.
Yeah Hippies !!!!!
Yeah Hippies !!!!!
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