I came home to find our fearless leader, George W. Bush droning on endlessly about some crap on every single TV channel I have, which, granted, does not amount to any great number. But still, did I really want to have that boob greet me when I walked in the door after a long day at work and a grueling workout at the gym?
Nevermind. This is the least of my television woes this evening.

It is Monday night, so naturally I will be watching the Donald Trump Show. I don't get why the show is on at 10 tonight instead of appearing in its normal 9 o'clock time slot. Whatever. I'd watch the Donald Trump Show at midnight if I had to.

But, and here's the kicker...
Grey's Anatomy is on (season finale) from 9-11, which means I'll miss the last hour of it. I need not tell you that I do not have Tivo and all those other TV bells and whistles.
What do do?
You're just screwed. That's all.
You could do what I do.
Impose on those who love you by honing in on their Tivo. Then make a party night of it. Go to their places to watch the shows that they recorded for you. Drink their beer. Eat their food.
It's a great system...isn't it, Juanita?
What? Huh? I'm not in on that system! Yet...
You're on the receiving end of the system!
new format again! wow you are on the ball...fun isn't it? by the way, the girl who posted on my blog, "Mindy" is a friend of mine with a blog and actually that is how I starting blogging in the first place. I know her from years ago on the outrigger paddling circuit. Cool girl. I wanted to know how to post videos like she had so she sent me the info.
Final of The Amazing "Phil" I mean Race!! Go Hippies !!!!!
i luv mcdreamy.
and george!
i'm apparently 12.
I can't wait to read your recap of the A.R. finale... What a show, what a finale!!
guys...I'm so busy. There's a giant blog brewing inside of me, but it will have to wait...most likely until the weekend.
I'm not sure if the pink's for me.
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