Forgive me if I come across as "BUI" (Blogging Under the Influence.)
I have had a rough day, kids, and I deserve the oversized glass of Sauvignon Blanc I'm currently imbibing.
Let me give you the brief rundown of the day's events.
First of all, the weather here is absolute shit. It is pouring out, and the temperatures, although hovering somewhere around 60 degrees, feel to be more in the 40s because of the wind and rain. The weather forecasters don't call for any clearing until, get this, at least A WEEK from now!
So, that's the first thing. Those of you who know me are well aware of the fact that I just do not do crap weather.
Anyways, on top of the miserable weather, I was observed by my department head today. Don't get me wrong, the review was glowing and the department head was delighted with my lesson. He even asked me to "present" it to my colleagues at my upcoming social studies meeting, but I HATE having evaluations and observation visits. It sucks! One of the things that makes me laugh about this whole evaluation process is that they are all racing to get the things done and handed into central administration "on time" and they pretend to be all concerned about what's going on in the classrooms, but they don't drag their asses down to observe us until MAY! Hello. The school year ends in June. If they were really concerned about accuracy in curriculum implementation, wouldn't they be down to visit my lesson much, much earlier than May 9th? I mean, Jesus, imagine if I were doing something hideously wrong. What kind of redirect can I undertake with 6 weeks left in the schoo year?
Anyway, after work I had a really grueling workout. Then I did about 7 cubic tons of laundry and it is only now that I've returned home. I've stuck some soy veggie munchies in the oven and I am currently sipping the aforementioned generously sized glass of Suvignon Blanc.
Enough about me. Let's talk Trump!
I am amazed that Lee lasted yet another week. Is anybody seeing through this guy? I know, for sure, that Trump isn't.
Let's just look at the fundamentals of the task.
Lee assigned Michael microphone duty and then critisized Michael for having clung tenaciously to the microphone rather than make sales. In the meanwhile, Lee birthed the concept of the eating concept, but honestly, an event like that needs an emcee to keep things lively and to attract participants. Michael took that task seriously. Maybe Lee's sales weren't hurt by the fact that Michael wasn't actively selling, but rather by the fact that Lee dramatically underpriced every item on the Outback menu.
The best part of the entire show was when the men were fighting for their lives and defending their "concept." Sean played it from the angle of, "But there were so many people around our tent. We had so much attention!" He obviously thought he should earn some kind of kudos for this from Trump.
Trump barely let him get his though across before cutting in with the terse reply, "I don't care!"
Trump, with these three words, just let those boobs know that he wasn't interested in their pathetic excuses. He was interested in sales and money!
I agree with Carolyne that Michael had "no competitive edge" but I think the grounds on which Trump fired him were bogus. Trump claimed that he was firing Michael because Michael was willing to share out the cheerleaders. In the end, the cheerleaders obviously had not positive impact on the event. I think it was stupid of Michael,too, but isn't it ultimately Lee who fucked up and failed to see the the most important aspect of the task was not throwing a frat party but rather selling Outback food?
I can't stand Lee and I hope to see his scrawny ass get canned soon!!!!
So happy to know I'm not the only one who is guilty of BUI. May I compliment you on your spelling and grammer while under the influence? Bravo. I hereby proclaim: I, JUANITA JUANITA SANCHEZ HEREBY COMMIT TO WATCHING THE NEXT SEASON OF THE APPRENTICE. No more wild guesses in the fantasy game, no more missing out on the scoop. In fact, I just told my husband, "Honey, next season we're watching The Apprentice." So it's a done deal. He said, "OK."
Great! Now I get to miss Survivor AND the Apprentice! Thanks, Juanita. We officially have nothing to talk about.
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