Yes, it is Sunday. Yes, I should be responsibly preparing for the school week ahead. And yes, I'm failing miserably in this arena. I have just opened a beautiful Paulaner Munich Lager to sip on while I blog. Never fear, this will be my one and only beer of the evening. After this, I'm turning in.
I've just returned from "up north." Stephen and I and the Hungarian crew were just in New Hampshire at the cabin for the weekend. I hadn't been up in months because, as much as I enjoy the inherent hedonism of a "cabin weekend," I simply cannot endure the frigid cold temperatures. So, several weeks ago, when this weekend was tossed out there as a definite cabin weekend, I agreed to go. I figured, "How the hell cold can a mid-May weekend be?"
Well, it turns out the cold was hardly the issue. Anybody who tuned into my previous blog entry knows that the non-stop rain has been utterly depressing here over the past week or so. The cabin and its environs were completely drenched all weekend, too. Not as bad as here in Boston, mind you, but still...
It was warm enough, but the rain rendered any outdoor activity virtually impossible yesterday.
Granted, today, Stephen and I were able to do the 8 mile walking loop, and that made me feel slightly better about my weekend sloth mode. It was a fun weekend, but I'm glad to be back. The driving was horrendous. It was impossible to see more than 5 feet in front of the car because of the downpours, and of course, assholes in SUVs were annoyed at the fact that we were actually adhering to the posted speed limits and felt the need to bare down upon us, honking their horns and intimiating us into moving out of their way. Jerks!

And here in Boston, once again, the heavens are wide open and the rains have reached biblical proportions.

Yes, I realize that I've now placed the same pic in my post twice, but I feel the need to emphasize just how shit this rain is!!

While I'm on the issue of water, I feel the need to comment upon something that I saw on the boob tube last week and have only now found a moment to blog about. What th ehell is with this guy, David Blaine, trying to hold his breath for 9 minutes? Never mind that part. I can actually understanding somebody wanting to perform some amazing human feat and even more, to do so in front of a large live and television audience. I guess I don't even care so much about why this dude wanted to perform this stunt. What boggles me more is why the hell, immediately prior to undertaking the task, he had to submerge himself in a massive tank of water for 8 days in the middle of Rockerfeller Plaza. Supposedly he was in there the entire week. The real magic here is how the guy managed to hold his bladder evacuations. Or better still, how did he manage to evacuate his bladder without our being able to see it in the clear water in which he was "entombed?" Am I the only one who wonders about these things? I mean, I probably pee more than the average person. I'm always on the can. Presumably I have the availibility of toiled facilities on my mind more than your average schmoe, but still....somebody else had to have asked him/herself the same question, right? I can't be alone in wondering about this.
It turns out, this is the same guy who lived in a glass box high above London for 44 days a while back. That's glass, folks. As in clear. Again, where was the can?
I am befuddled.

I never got to comment upon the "Amazing Race" this week. All I can say is "Go Hippies!!" I love those guys and I hope they take the whole freakin thing! I was very glad to see "MOJO" eliminated this past week, partly because they were annoying and partly because they were messing with the hippies.
This upcoming week is the season finale! Stephen and I have already orchestrated our plans to watch. I suggest you do the same.

I know I am all over the map here, but what can I say? I'm scattered tonight.
I just want to extend my external gratitude to Steve Jobbs, Apple CEO, and the good people at the Apple engineering department for bringing me my beautiful iMac G5. I tried to load Lauren's camera into my mother's PC a couple of weeks ago, and I could not even begin to figure out where the photos had gone to in the computer. They are in there somewhere. Of that I have no doubt. But screw me if I can find them. On my beautiful Mac, all I have to do is plug the camera in to the computer, and the iPhoto application opens itself up and loads the pictures in on its own.
And recently, my friend has had a major crash on his PC and has had to rely on his Mac. Naturally, his Mac has not failed him in this crisis.
I just love this freakin' thing and everytime I try to do something on a PC and fail miserably, I fall to my knees and thank the good people at Apple.
Anyway, that's all I have to say at the moment.
My Mac and I are signing off!
Love your new format! Go Hippies!! I could not stand MOJO. They were the worst! Oh to see her shed a tear as I was cheering them off!! Final night Wed two hours ... I'll be sitting up in my straight back chair to catch every moment! No snoozing allowed. Yikes Apprentice is on at 10 tonight ... better take a nap today!
Oops! I had to skip the last half of your entry because I haven't watched AR yet! Can you believe it? Very behind. Regarding the bubble man, he supposedly "evacuated" in tubes. Just FYI. So how did he do that? Hell if I know!
How did David Blaine pee in the big glass bubble? Good question. Poop would be my real issue. Pee...it's gross, but I can handle the idea of swimming in piss for a week. Poop...entirely different story there.
Have you heard of the stadium pal? I'll look it up for you.
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