One of the most important broadcasts in my week and yours (I'm sure) is "The Bachelor Paris." Would it be so wrong to admit that I have actually begun to care about Travis? I just want him to find a little happiness and I feel that if I watch the show and root for a positive outcome, I am doing my part to ensure that this lovely young man (see hot young stud muffin doctor) has a chance to live happily ever after.
Here's the most recently dumped woman, Susan.

Jesus, I was glad to see Travis give this phoney baloney her walking papers. There were a couple of things annoying me and the rest of the known universe about this chick.
1. She was so wrapped up in herself. She was pretty, sure. But I don't think even she thought she was worth more than her pretty face.
2. She was obviously looking to further her already fledgling acting career by being on the show. Oh sure, I think most of the men and women who come on these reality shows are appearing on them with the underlying motive of getting "discovered," but this broad was barely making any efforts to hide it. She even told her dad on the idiotic "hometown" date, that she hoped not to "get cut" this week. Gee, kids, the last time anybody mistook me for Stephen Spielberg was...ahhh...let me thing...NEVER. But even I know some of this Hollywood lingo and "getting cut" is more likely to be used in a casting call setting than in a romantic relationship. Most people in the context of the Bachelor might talk about getting dumped or breaking up, but not this woman. Everything she said was imbued with some acting undertones or ambitions. So transparent.
3. In her last date with Travis, when he told her that his plan was to climb some mountain, she was Waaaaaaayyyyyy to quick to enthusiastically squeal, "Yippie! Are you serious! I can't wait. I love climbing." You know the only thing this jerk ever climbed into was her luxury SUV, arms bogged down with Starbucks lattes, cell phones, Luis Vuitton bags and tiny Chiuaua named "Muffy" or some shit like that. She had the grace of a bull in a china shop up there on the side of that mountain. Sad. Just sad.
4. Later on in the date, when Travis told Susie that he really likes women who are brave enough to disagree with him from time to time, she AGREED that this was a great thing in a relationship. Then he told her that he worries that sometimes she just seems to be saying things that she thinks he wants to hear. At that point, of course, she had to assert that she was an independent thinker who spoke her mind all the time. Hmmm...isn't that what Travis wanted to hear?
Obviously with this airhead, the lights were on (and very pretty), but nobody was home.
Travis had the presence of mind to cut this dead weight during the rose ceremony. Too bad he didn't bother to cut her loose while they were climbing the rock. Ha ha. No just kidding. That was kind of mean!
Here are the two women Travis has left...

My cousin, California Mo, and I are both fans of Tennessee Sarah. (They have to identify her by her home state because, invariably in every season of the show, there are 678 contestants named Sarah.) Tennessee Sarah is the woman in the purple dress. She is lovely. She's smart, funny, charming, down to earth and for the first time in this show's history (and I am an expert), she seems to be completely normal. Of course this means that Travis will probably make haste to dump her. He keeps going on and on about how he worries that they seem to be friends and have not truly forged that romantic spark. Christ, he's known her for like three seconds. What does he expect?
The other woman, Moana (of the dark hair) also seems OK, but a little emotionally unstable. There always has to be one!
I'll be watching the next couple of episodes, and I know that California Mo will be right there with me, albeit 3 time zones behind. I have the power, Mo, because I'll know, three hours before you, who, if anybody, will be the future Mrs. Doctor Travis. I'm just a phone call away if you can't take the suspense..or if you just get too damn tired to wait up!
I commented upon this at length because I'm sure that you're all as enraptured by it as I am.

Of course I'm also following the Olympics with interest. Talk about reality TV! I was really sad to see that Michelle Kwan had to pull out of competition. She claims a pulled groin muscle is forcing her to withdraw from competition. For you or I, a pulled groin muscle might be a painful little inconvenience. For Michelle Kwan, whose normal daily routine involves adopting the pose pictured here, the groin pull is obviously much more of a hindrance. Reminder to self...stop walking around the streets of Somerville in this pose as I normally do every day. Could lead to pulled groin muscle!
I have to wonder if Kwan's withdrawal has anything to do with the new scoring system, which reportedly is much more brutal, demanding more technical difficulty, jumps and footwork. Perhaps Kwan wants to go out with all the current glory she currently enjoys, rather than fall victim to some scoring system that clearly does not favor her style.

The other big news, of course, is the failure of Bode Miller to earn a medal in the men's downhill skiing competition. He was DQ'd for "straddling the pole" whatever the hell that means. He was criticized for talk of skiing while tanked. I don't know, but if you ask me, I would say that "straddling a pole" sounds much more questionable than having a couple of Pabst Blue Ribbons and then skiing down a Quadruple black diamond complete with moguls, sharp turns and rogue trees popping up at every unexpected turn.
But still, I have no sympathy for Miller as I do for Kwan. Kwan has always been a class act. Miller has proven himself to be little more than a petulant, spoiled, arrogant child. If anybody is looking for Bode now, check the bar of the apres-ski lodge. I'm sure that's where he'll be!

And what the hell is this crap with Dick Cheney shooting his buddy while hunting? And without proper permits? What the hell is this, a throwback to the days of freakin' Aaron Burr? So, let me get this straight...
The guy..
1. is ugly
2. shoots his friends while hunting for quail (did he think is was "quail?")
3. is ugly
4. Uses profanity when speaking to members of Congress
5. is ugly
6 is ugly
7. is ugly
8. is ugly
9 is ugly
10 is ugly
Is it 2008 yet?
funny-the kwan/miller conversation came up this evening at the dinner table!! and we're all in the same boat! i literally REJOICED in the car this morning when i heard Bode tanked...he's a jerk!! he's so pompous, i really hope he doesn't medal at all!! i think the girl replacing kwan is really classy too...she has handled all of this with such grace. she should have been there all along-but i'm glad kwan pulled out when she did so she could get some good time practicing!! i hope she shocks them all!!!
I'm soooo glad you agree with me on the Bode Miller thing! I was talking with a friend about it and he was like, "Well, he's really young and he has all these corporate sponsors and they encourage him to be rebel and that's kind of the ski culture." First of all, I know plenty of people who ski and are therefore immersed in the "ski culture" and none of them are like that jerk. Secondly, how many thousands of athletes there have high falutin' corporate sponsors? None of them seem to be making asses of themselves. Michelle Kwan was more established, known and respected than that jerk and she was always lovely and never acted like that.
Oh well, like I said, at least Bode will have more time to go get wasted now that he doesn't have skiing to get in his way.
Love the Travis, Sarah T. and Moana pics! What is the deal about Travis saying "I don't know if we are just going to be good friends or will it lead to romance .. My gosh, they have know each other, what a few weeks, give me a break! When "Suzy Q" was going to rock climb with Travis and was Way Too excited, that just made me want to throw up !! Way Way too over the top ..Hello ...overacting will Not get you that Oscar!!
Will just have to wait and see. As far as Michelle goes, wonder if she has that picture of her on her driver's license (just kidding) cuz we see that pose a lot !! I do like her and would have loved to see her skate. Bode ok I guess you're the suppose to be the cute rugged guy but come on ... you blew it! Gun accident I agree ...Ugly, Ugly, Ugly !!
Funny! I only saw the first two episodes of The Bachelor, but I thought Susan was a big fake, and I liked Tennessee Sarah! I hope he chooses her. Regarding the Olympics, my favorite moment so far was the Chinese pairs figure skating silver medal win. I was almost blubbering when they continued on after that catastrophic fall. Amazing! And finally, on our friend Dick. Dick who? Last night I said to my husband, "I don't remember ever hearing Cheney speak. How is that possible in six years as VP?" Anyway, let's get some Survivor commentary going here! Surely you're a fan?
I was glad to read your blog and be brought up on current events. As I always say, with 2 kids it's hard to keep updated. Unless Elmo is behind the anchor desk, we don't get much news in the Sciarratta house. Anyway, I dont watch the Bachelor and I heard Michelle Kwan signed a contract with Disney, way to go. As far as Cheney, the only good thing to come of that "accidental shooting" are the monologues on the Late Show and the Tonight Show. They are totally ripping him apart, it's hillarious!
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