So, here I am on Valentine's Day Eve.
Valentine's Day has kind of snuck up on me this year. I was caught completely by surprise today as I realized that it is, indeed, February 13.
I have to admit, I was doing a littel bit of scrambling to figure out what to get my sweetheart for Valentine's day. I did settle on a gift, but I had better not reveal the secret on my blog, in the event that Stephen decides to take a peek at my blog tonight. I actually think he looks at it very infrequently, but this would be the one time he'd venture onto it to take a look.
Anyway, suffice it to say that my shopping trip involved a stop at Target. I hadn't actually planned on going to Target, but Lauren called and said she was in the car with the kids and they were headed there themselves. So, I decided to join them in their Target run.
The usual Target protocol involves "Auntie" (me) carrying around a shopping basket that Allie and I "share". I use quotations there because Auntie does all the carrying while Allie does lots of tossing completely decadent and unnecessary items into the thing, which I dispose of throughout our meanderings through the store. I feel bad for the poor guy who has to tidy up the store following our visits. It goes a little something like this..Al stuffs something like a 9 pound box of M&Ms into the basket in the candy aisle. I usually dispose of it somewhere in Health and Beauty or Pharmacy. Later, she finds some kind of Barbie Condominium or Life-Size stuffed pony, which I gladly let her put in the basket. I usually end up disposing of that somewhere around Books or Movies/Music.
I'm usually good at getting rid of all of Allie's "purchases" by the time I reach the register. But today, in looking through my Target bags upon returning home, I realized that a bag of Valentine's Hershey's minis got past me. I am sitting here eating a "special dark" right now. Ok, I will come clean..I've eaten 3 of them.
But I'm done now. I swear.

I did go to the gym today, though, so I guess I can't punish myself too much for the candy. Although, I don't want to get into the cycle of going to the gym just to enable myself to eat special darks. I want to go to the gym to get results!
I worked on the treadmill for an hour while watching a pretty incredible documentary called, "Murderball." It is about paraplegics who play rugby. Pretty interesting.
I also took, just for shits and giggles, a weight lifting class called, "Strong Women." This thing is notoriously billed as a class for more senior members of the gym. I figured it would be a waste of time, a cake walk. But nooooooo way! I was exhausted at the end of this thing. The arm work was really awesome!
Ok, enough messing around. I have to drag myself away from you, my faithful readers, in order to watch the Bachelor Paris. yeah, yeah, I do watch it!
Deal with it!!
Um...those Hershey mini's just "got past you." Jovi! You expect us to believe that?
OK, OK, I believe you.
Would it pain you to know that I always end up throwing out the Special Darks? But give me cherry cordials and I'm hopeless.
Hey Nance! Love the special dark. yes it's Valentine's day. I woke up to a little trail of chocolate hearts all around the kitchen and then some at the computer with a orchid on the kitchen table. Wow, Philip remembered! Love the Blog. got caught up this am!
I'm a bonafide candy-holic. No apologies whatsoever about it either.
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