Name Four Movies You could Watch Over and Over again.

1. Quiz Show, starring the GORGEOUS Ralph Feinnes
2. Lost in Translation
3. Pretty in Pink
4. Rocky III (I love the fight scene in the beginning and the blend into the Rocky Fanfare song. Freakin' brilliant!!)
Name 4 Jobs I've Had:
I don't have a picture for this one, because it isn't very interesting.
1. Teacher
2. Library Assistant in college (I used to park the cart, snooze on a couch in the corner, completely blow off the shelving, and then collect a pay check)
3. Art department jerk at the Coop in Harvard Square
4. Substitute Teacher (when I was in college)
Name Four Places Where You've Lived

1. Lewiston, Maine (Bates College, seen above.)
2. Middlebury, Vermont (Middlebury College
3. Avignon, France
4. Hannover, Germany
Name Four Places You'd Rather Be.

1. Fiji
2. Arizona
3. Southern France
4. Dubai
Name Four TV Shows You Watch

1. The Apprentice (which, if you follow my lead, you will join me in simply calling, "The Donald Trump Show.")
2. ER (somebody still has to watch it)
3. Seinfeld
4. Pimp My Ride
Name Four Places Where You've Vacationed

1. Hallstadt, Austria
2. Dubrovnik, Croatia
3. Santorini, Greece
4. Amsterdan, Netherlands
OK...Reesie, California Mo and Liz Fwiz...consider yourselves tagged!
Very good! Love the tropical picture, and I don't even like the tropics. I'm very jealous of the places you've lived. I secretly wish I was an East Coast girl. (Not Southeast-Coast, which doesn't even count.)
Hallstadt, Austria is one of my favorite places on earth!
woohoo! I'm tagged! I will post tonight!
Whoa, tagged ... posting soon!
Love the "Pimp My Ride" ..they are way too cool! Can I vacation with you ? What awesome places !!!
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