This is a HUGE birthday shout-out to my main man, Jon Bon Jovi!
On this day, 2 March, 1962 (44 years ago, for those math faint-at-hearts out there), heaven smiled upon womankind. The miracle took place in Sayerville, New Jersey. The miracle was expressed through the birth of Jon Bongiovi. The miracle is pictured above.
My God! Look at that specemin. Should anybody be allowed to look like this? Can looking at something this gorgeous actually hurt the human eye, perhaps blinding the oogler? I don't know, but it is a chance I'm willing to take.
Jesus, I'm swooning here. I'm sure you all are, too.
I know, I know. You're going to tell me that Jon is married. That he and his high school sweetheart have been married for years, but I choose to ignore this. Or I treat it as a minor inconvenience, at best.
But see, here's the thing. In my Jon Bon Jovi world (and I know we ALL have a special Jon Bon Jovi World), Jon was "born to be my baby." In my special "Jon Bon Jovi" world Jon Bon Jovi only has eyes for me!
What's happening in YOUR Jon Bon Jovi world? Are you perhaps laundering your clothes on those washboard abs? Are helping yourself to a handful of JBJ's buns of steel? Are you staring longingly into those beautiful eyes?
Actually, don't tell me. I might be jealous. And there's no room for jealousy in my JBJ world!
Now, join me in falling to your knees and thank whatever god you worship for the gift of this gorgeous creature.
i can't even read this because i'm totally blinded by that gorgeous vision!! oh my gosh!! i'm all a flutter!!
Sorry, Reesie. Perhaps I should put a warning before the picture.
no apologies necessary...if i could take my eyes off it i should pen a thank you note to you!!
As much as I totally LOVE Jon more than any woman out there, I am sad to have to tell you that picture was imposed. John has a great but and bod but that photo is enhanced in the abdominal region. Nonetheless, he is still a god!
Happy Birthday, God!
I thought you said you weren't religious! I guess if the incentive is right :)
Better tell him I'll be coming over to "do some laundry".. LOVE the washboard and hey, could always use the workout !
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