Last night Dan was pretty bad, but did he deserve to be fired?
Sure, he produced a crap commerical. Christ, he consented to filming a major cruise line commercial featuring a man in distress at sea. Stupid. I know, let's film an airline commercial showing passangers sitting there with oxygen tanks spilling from the cieling while turbulance tosses them about the cabin. You get my drift.
Sure, Dan was not a strong leader. He was chaotic. He did not delegate responsibilities to people. When his teammates tried to take any creative control at all, he shut them right down. Later in the boardroom, he critisized the same people for not "stepping up to the plate."
But, I go back to my original question: did Dan deserve to be fired?
I think the short answer is no. Not when Tarek, who is such a regular in the boardroom that his presence there is just a given from week to week, made some fatal mistakes during the task and, once again, found himself begging the Donald for his life.

Tarek has returned to the boardroom more than any other "Donald Trump Show" candidate than I can remember. And the season is not even halfway over. During this task, he was confrontational. He was pontificating about the virtues of a text-only commercial with no voice-overs, claiming that he has expert knowledge of the advertising industry and could guarantee that with enough exposure to the commercial, viewers would eventually get the message.
Did he not understand that he had once chance to present the commercial to the cruise execs? Once chance! This was not about osmosis through repeated viewing or subliminal advertising. This was about hitting the nail on the head and giving the execs a pretty basic, and easy-to-follow commercial.
Trump really appears to hate Tarek, but somehow, in spite of his repeated appearances in the boardroom, Trump keeps granting him stays of execution. Why? I'm not sure. Is Tarek Trump's secret illigetimate love child or something? Maybe Trump thinks he's cute? I mean, I have to admit that in spite of the empty MENSA head, I think Tarek is a pretty cute looking guy.
The fact that Trump called Tarek an "embarrassment" and said that MENSA must have written a bum assessment test does not bode well for Tarek. I think he might be on his way out soon.
Reesie has Tarek as her season's pick. Seeing as where she's mopping the floor with the rest of us in the Fantasy Game, I have to say that I wouldn't mind seeing Tarek get canned so that those elusive bonus points would slip out of Reesie's grasp!

Lenny was an idiot. He came up with the stupid idea. But when Dan had the opportunity to bring Lenny back to the boardroom, he declined, opting instead to bring only Lee, (whom Trump had basically said during the initial phase of the boardroom meeting, hadn't done anything wrong.) and Tarek. I guess Tarek was a good call. I mean, when you're bringing the guy back for like the 10th time, you have to imagine that the Donald will be annoyed by his repetitive blunders and get rid of the jerk.
Obviously events did not unfold in this way. In fact, Trump seemed to be gunning for Lenny the most, even though Lenny was not there. He HATED Lenny's concept.
It would appear that Dan was fired less for his lack of task leadership and more for his failure to recognize Lenny as the driving force behind the team's loss.

Can I just say that I can't stand Andrea? Why was she all up in Roxanne's grill? Roxanne made a statement last week that Charmaine was the best team leader she'd had up to that point. Andrea took that as a personal affront and confronted Roxanne, basically demanding to know why Roxanne had pointed to Charmaine as the best leader to date and not her.
It was ironic because Andrea kept telling Roxanne, "We're not here to be coddled." And yet, even as she was saying that, she was basically begging Roxanne to take back her comments and concede that Andrea had been the best leader. Obviously Andrea needs the reassurance and therefore is in high need of the very coddling for which she claims to have no patience.
Andrea is just a mean bitch. And the fact that she is now aiming the big guns at Roxanne, my season's pick and my favorite person on the cast, I am hating her even more.

Even though your commerical was boring and lacking in creativitiy, I'm so glad you brought your team through to victory. I was praying all night that you would pull through. Every week that your team wins is another week that I keep you on my winner board for potential bonus points!!
Oh hell. I missed it again. The Trumpenator and I just can't hook up.
That "shipwrecked" commercial sucked so bad. It took me back to the days of Kathy Lee on the Carnival cruise commercial, CRAP!
Andrea is a total jerk!
Dan was total spaz and Andrea is just a stuck up jerk! I was happy for Roxanne even though it was boring, I'm glad they won.
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