To borrow the immortal words of the Donald himself, Theresa was a "total disaster." However, she alone did not flub up this task. She had several incompetent boobs helping to usher in her demise.
The task was for the teams to organize a social gathering/informational session for Chevy's tops salespeople at which the new Chevy Tahoe would be showcased and talked up.
Synergy's outing was somewhat successful, no thanks to Brent. As per usual, he was useless. However, I think NBC should be embarrassed by the way they portray "the fat guy." Brent was shown eating several sweets and a large meal during the team brainstorm session. You cannot tell me that other contestants did not eat, as well. You know, as well as I do, that the camera people were there hovering, just waiting for a shot of Brent stuffing his face with a piece of cake. It was really disgusting of NBC. I mean, really, I don't think Brent needs any help in demonstrating the fact that he is a completely talentless oak with very little to offer the team in the way of creativity or brain power.
Back to Synergy's overall performance on the task....
They had a few good ideas about playing up the outdoorsy aspect of the vehicle, even though we all well know that most people are out buying SUVs to shuttle themselves around to manicure appointments and Starbucks runs in Brookline and Cambridge. And maybe the vehicle will be used to pick up little Tristen from his piano lessons or to cart little Ameila to her ballet class, but that's about the extent of it. I very much doubt many of these Chevy Tahoes will be used in the the way that the Synergy team presented it, but still, if the company is going to insist upon marketing it as an outdoor vehicle, the members of the Synergy group had little choice.
At their event, they had rock climbing, golf cart racing and some other rugged manly events. The sales execs ate it up, and Synergy was poised for the win right from the word go.
I will say that I was completely annoyed by Andrea. At the beginning of the episode, she created an atmosphere ripe for drama by declaring that she would consider going home if Brent were allowed to return to the game. Of course, Brent did return, and Andrea caused a scene by fleeing the common room to cry in the bathroom. When Roxanne tried to coax her out to the main room, Andrea said she just needed a moment.
She decided to take on the role of PM just to prove that she is capable of "handling" Brent. Whatever.
The only thing I really need to say about Andrea is that the bitch needs a fucking sandwich. How skinny is she?
Now, onto Gold Rush...
What a train wreck!
Theresa took over the role of PM. I could not even focus on what the team was doing because I was totally distracted by Theresa's massive breasts. Who told her that wearing a flesh-colored, rib-knit, skin-tight turtle neck over her 38DDD's was a good idea? My god! NBC should have put a parental warning at the top of the show last night. It was soft core pornography. I kept praying that she would not sneeze or take a deep breath, because the seems of that shirt were under enough stress as it was. Maybe she should also consider giving up shopping at the freakin' Baby Gap. That was ridiculous!
She gave Tarek the role of creative manager, but refused to listen to anything he had to say. Now granted, Tarek is a fool, but still, he did have a point there. He was sensitive to Trump's criticism of his lack of "theme" in the first task, and he seemed not to want to repeat that same mistake, but when he pointed out to Theresa that they lacked a theme, she was not hearing him.
Granted, Tarek has a lot of work to do before he proves himself Trump-worthy, but I think he was trying.
The gold course that he was allegedly in charge of constructing looked like somebody's freakin' front lawn in downtown Kabul, for Chrissakes. And then Carolyn walks in. Just to provide a little footnote here, Carolyn is Trump's golf empire head bitch in charge. Not good.
The comedienne was a horror show. She was lude, obnoxious, vulgar, and totally inappropriate. Charmaine was a total jackass for paying her. And Theresa was a total idiot for not overseeing the talent, and/or at least familiarizing herself with the woman's material.
All around pathetic!
I think in the end, Trump really had no choice. He likes Lenny too much to fire him. Tarek is extremely fortunate that Theresa was stupid enough not to bring Charmaine to the boardroom. It was the second time Tarek was saved by somebody else's stupidity.
My favorite moment was when Trump asked Lenny, "What should I do with Tarek and Theresa." Without the slightest hesitation, Lenny said, "Fire 'em both." This just seconds after Tarek had stood up for Lenny.
Ha ha!!
I know I am now in 4th place, but don't start relaxing, Bitches! I'm right behind you!
Hey Jovi ...I'm still lucky if I can stay up to watch the whole episode of "The Donald Trump Show" Last two weeks I woke up near the end ... not AT the end ... so I didn't even know who got fired until the next day!! Oh yes, I love getting older !
Hey, Mo, I was asleep halfway through as well. I asked John who got kicked off and he said he was going to ask me the same, he fell asleep too!!
Hmmmm, next time I can't sleep I know what to do!
I don't understand how you can fall asleep?!?! I work 9 hours a day, plus a two hour commute and I'm exhausted when I get home...but the Donald just makes me laugh!! I'm up watching-so just give me a call if you awaken and need updates!!
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