How right you are, Juanita. I owe my adoring fans their weekly picture of my weekly beer photo. Usually the pictures come on Friday nights, but this weekend, well, I'll shake things up a bit and keep you anxiously awaiting my beer pic until Saturday.
I picked up some beer last night on my way over to my boyfriend's place. I stopped into Jerry's, this local packie where, although the size of the store would suggest a meager selection, the owner manages to have quite the broad variety of beers in stock. He always has quite a few Eastern European, German, Asian or South American lagers and pilsners. Those are my kinds of beers. Light, Fresh, crisp. I hate those heavy ass microbrews and stouts. That stuff just is not for me.
I flirted with the idea of picking up a Thai beer I hadn't tried before. And there were a few of the Polish beers I've enjoyed in the past, as well. However, after much contemplation, I decided to get a six pack of Paulaner Munich Lager.
Let me go back a little here...
When we were in Munich this summer, we were, of course, overwhelmed by the selection of amazing beers available to us. Among them were Spaten, Hacker-Pschorr (which ended up being my favorite), Paulaner, Augistener (a favorite of many Muncheners, but not all that adored by Stephen and me), Fransizkaner, Haufbrau Haus, and many more.
Prior to going over there this past summer, Spaten probably ranked right up there at #1 German beer for us. And it remained a big favorite throughout our time there. But, here's the thing...
It rained every fucking one of the 15 days we spent in Germany/Austria this summer. And it was absolutely freezing the entire time. We will never do another summer vacation in Germany again. Beautiful country, one of both of our favorites, both of our former homes, but the weather situation is just too risky! We are both massive sun and warm people. The whole freezing rain thing just didn't work out for us.
Anyway, one day, while we were trudging through Munich in the pouring rain, we decided a beer break was in order. It was probably our tenth of the day. We were in Munich, for chrissakes, what do you expect??
We were in the vicinity of the Paulaner Haus, so we decided to stop in there. The atmosphere in this place was perfect for a cold, rainy day. The room was really warm and decorated with solid, light brown wood furniture, and the fireplace was in full throttle. Waitresses with massive boobs served even more massive steins of beer. Instead of the typical American basket of bread, a basket full of warm pretzels and hot mustard was brought to the table. At that point, the Paulaner was like a sweet nectar of the gods. It has been a big favorite of ours ever since.
So, the choice to buy Paulaner was actually pretty easy.
I also had a little craving for some chips and salsa, so I stopped at the convenience store and picked up some lime chips and salsa.
Oddly enough, when I arrived at Stephen's, I discovered that he too had bought Paulaner, lime chips and salsa.
Evidently, great minds think alike.
Oh, and in the event that you see Paulnaer at your local packie, make sure you get the regular Munich lager. No screwing around with the Oktober beer.
The picture shown in this entry is of the outside of the Paulaner tent at Oktoberfest in Munich.
Been there. Drank that!
How can I check out "Ponch's" blog in the big apology to Reesie?
the guys blog name is not erick estrata.
Try to enter through
Lauren, correction...Check out
That's Ponch's website.
What a great post! I can't believe I missed until now. My weekend just wasn't the same without the Friday night beer pic. Anyway, did you get blasted with snow? NYC did for sure, but how about you? Will that be a snow day for you tomorrow, Missy?
You and I have the same beer tastes!! Started with your mention of Spaten and now continues...I've been to the Big O'fest in Munich 4 or 5 times now with my wife...she likes Spaten, but not many other Munchen beers. I love Munich and the Alps...this post makes me cry to be back there! Have not been back since 1999. Maybe we'll meet there someday...such a great place on earth...
thanks for the nice post.
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