I had an appointment with my physiatrist today. A physiatrist is a back doctor. Yes, it sucks that deal with some pretty serious back issues as my young age of 32, but what can you do?
Anyway, I am fortunate enough to have a doctor at the New England Baptist Hospital, one of the premier spine and joint facilities in the world. I certainly pay a price for having my doctors based at this hospital, though. I don't have a car, and on freezing cold days (such as today), I have to freeze my butt off waiting for a series of busses and trains to get over there. On sweltering hot days, such as was the case this summer, I routinely sweated off half my body weight hoofing it from the bus to the physical therapy treatment center.
Although, let me do a reality check...there are people in Pakistan who were seriously injured by that horrible earthquake two months ago and they had to crawl down steep mountains on four shattered limbs just to get to a makeshift Red Cross medical tent. Let me stop the complaining right there! I should feel blessed to have these wonderful medical facilities within subway riding distance. I take back all my complaining.
Perspective can be pretty humbling, can't it?
Anyway, my appointment was scheduled for 10:00. My doctor got to me at 12:30 PM. This is par for the course over there. I actually brought my Christmas cards to write out.
The doctor began asking me what my symptoms were. I presented my case to her, and she began to ask me what my suggested course of treatment would be. Should I do steroid treatment for a week? Should I have another MRI? Do I think it is possible that the disc pathology has become worse? Do I think the tear has worsened, or is there perhaps a tear at another level? Should she give me a painkiller to take routinely, or should I stick to the over-the-counter ibuprofin?
I guess I was either asleep or drunk when I graduated from medical school because I don't remember any of it. Where's my RX pad?
Anyway, I told her that I don't want the steroid treatment. I did it once before, and it was only for 5 days. My nightmare visions of helium tank weight gain did not materialize. But why tempt fate? I told her we should just get another image, see what's going on, and then proceed from there.
Should I be billing myself for this?
Anyway, onto my subject matter? Are we too plugged in?
As I was trapsing around town today on busses, trains, and on foot, I felt really naked because my cell phone battery had died. What if somebody needed to reach me? What if Lauren needed to call me and tell me of a Meredith Baxter Birney sighting in Whole Foods? What if my school needed to contact me to tell me that my 7th grade homeroom had murdered the substitute? I mean, really! It felt horrible to be out of touch.
The minute I came home, I plugged my cell phone into its charger. The act of doing this alone gave me a feeling of relief. As soon as that little task was accomplished, I turned on my beautiful iMac G5, and checked my various email accounts. All the while, I was rejoining in finding my iPod. God forbid I have to walk anywhere without a constant Bon Jovi soundtrack scoring my every move!
I really enjoy my gadgets, but I sometimes wonder if I'm too dependent upon them. What do you think?
What do I think? I think you're hilarious. Give yourself a nice RX for Oxycontin use it to supplement your income. Ha!! Just kidding. Really.
I like the Oxycontin idea. I'll pop a few before work!!
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