I will take these subjects out of order. I'm going to start with Saddam because the news is blaring news of his "trial" in the background. Why I don't just turn on my iTunes so as to ignore hearing about this wretched excuse for a human being is a bit of a mystery. I guess I'm oddly compelled by this whole spectacle. The guy keeps standing up in the court, erupting into these angry diatribes. It seems that he's blaming the judge for his unfair treatment at the hands of the Americans who are guarding over him. He is pissed because he has supposedly been deprived of the right to take a shower. I can see where he's so outraged at having his personal rights violated, seeing as where he has always been such a champion of peoples' rights. What a total asshole!
He keeps claiming that he's still the President of Iraq. Whatever. I wish he would just climb back into that rat hole where the American Soldiers found him in the first place.
Look, I don't care what your opinions of the war are (and I really mean that...I am not inviting political commentary on my blog, people!), but you have to admit that Hussain is a complete and total nut.
Ok, enough about that pile of excrement.
Onto subjects that more immediately impact my own personal life. As you can see, I'm real concerned about the global issues!
Anyway, last night I went to see U2 for the second time on their "Vertigo" tour.
I went with my boyfriend, and another friend of ours. A former colleague of my boyfriend mentioned that she was coming to the show with two friends of hers. As I sat there in the Grand Canal bar, merrily hoisting a frosty cold Pilsner Uruqell, I heard, "Oh my god, it couldn't be!!" Standing before me was a classmate from high school who I had not seen since the day we graduated in 1991. I didn't know what to think at first. She was a good kid in high school, but you never know if things are going to be awkward between yourself and somebody you haven't spoken to since leg warmers and mesh half shirts were still in style.
Anyway, within a few minutes of our reunion, we were chatting away happily about old times, laughing about our Somerville High School teachers, and discovering that we hated all the same people in high school. ha ha. She was great and it was really nice to see that I'm not the only one who graduated in that class that did not end up having 5 babies by the age of 19 or develop some kind of unhealthy chemical dependance.
It is very strange to meet up with somebody you knew as a kid when you're both adults. But in this case, the meeting was a very pleasant surprise. Thank goodness.
As for the show...
U2 were freakin' fabulous!!! I saw them back in October and it was like they had a first year sound engineering major on the sound board or something. The instruments were all way too loud and Bono's beautiful falsetto was lost to the overbearing drumming and guitaring. Not to say that Larry, The Edge and Adam aren't brilliant musicians...they are, but I still would have liked to hear Bono. He is, after all, a big part of the band!
Anyway, this time around the show was perfect. It was beautiful. They played for over two hours and each song was more exciting than the last. I can't pick out a favorite. The whole show was such an incredible experience. It sucked when we waited outside in the freezing rain to buy tickets back in March, but the experience was well worth any discomfort!
As I mentioned, the Pilsner Urquells were flowing pretty easily last night. I managed to toss four of them back in the Grand Canal dump, and then, for good buzz-maintaining measure, I tossed back a couple of Bud Lights at the Fleet. (I know, Bud Light is total crap, and certainly a comedown from Pilsner, but seriously, the only alternative is freakin' Sam Adams. No thanks to that swill!) I was not feeling drunk at all. I returned home at around 1:00 AM and got right to sleep. As I said, I didn't feel drunk last night, but when I woke up this morning, I had a headache to beat the band.
I hauled my weary ass out of bed at 6:30, a little on the late side for me. I hauled my hung over carcass to the closest Dunkin Donuts and got an iced coffee the size of my head. I figured I might ease into my day by preparing my photocopies or whatever before the kids arrived. As I arrived in school I remembered that I run my "strategic game club" on Tuesday mornings. There were about 9 seventh graders there anxiously awaiting a game of Risk. So, what could I do but comply and play with them? I'm getting paid for it, at least.
That went pretty uneventfully.
I went to pick up my kids to bring them to homeroom. I started up my morning routine...attendance, telling every other kid to toss the huge wad of chewing gum out in the trash, reminding the same kid over and over to take his baseball cap off, etc. I noticed that this one kid had been at her locker for an extremely long time. I went out there to bark at her, but realized that she was absolutely sobbing. I asked her what was wrong. She was crying so hard that she couldn't even speak, but she did show me a letter that a classmate had written to her. The letter was vicious. The author told this little girl about 78 times how annoying she was, how nobody liked her, how she could ask around and everybody would confirm that they hate her. I tell you, I felt like crying with her. It was so cruel and so mean. I took it to the principal and asked her to handle it. I just can't handle kids being that mean to each other.
The poor kid would think about it at various points in the day and I could see the tears welling up in her eyes. Jesus, every time she started up, I had to try not to cry right along with her.
Girls are so mean!!!
I know boys are no gem sometimes. Take for example my 3rd period lesson today. This kid tried to print out about 1,000 pages at once. Naturally, the paper got all jammed up with paper. I turned my back on the class to try to fix the printer. No sooner had I turned around to look at the printer, than I heard this massive rumbling behind me. I jerked around to find two boys literally on the floor fistfighting.
Did I mention that I was hung over? I never drink on school nights. The one time I do it, look what kind of day I have!!
I really stick by my accusation...girls are just mean!
I would not want to be a 13 year-old girl again under any circumstances. The zits, the constant pressure to conform, the ridicule, the cruelty, the complexes. No thanks! I mean, it is one thing to work with them, but to actually be one of them again...no thanks! I feel bad for them!
Anyway, I'm exhausted and I want to get some shut eye!
Fascinating! To think that any of the teachers in my educational past could have been hung over, after a righteous rock concert no less. Well, it might explain a thing or two. And it certainly makes them seem more fallible, in a human sort of way. Anyway, I have a 14-year-old girl, and I second your observation, adolescent girls are mean as hell.
As far as Sadam, they should throw him back in the hole, tie him up, and make him watch Pauly Shore movies over and over. Talk about a civil rights violation. Adolescent girls are the worst. I was the victim of thier cruel remarks all through school. I have 2 little girls. If I were to hear that were mean to one of thier peers, to quote Dr Phil, "Thier whole world would come caving in on them".
As far as Us, I only like one song,"Gloria", sorry Nants :(
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