Could it be due to that college basketball playoff crap? I wouldn't even mind this championship foolishness, but rather than just have 8 teams and whittling the numbers down from there, they start with every single college team in the whole USA and continue to have playoff showdowns on TV at primetime hours for months until they eventually reach the "Final 4." I just have one question. Who cares?
I live right next to Boston College, whose basketball team routinely makes it intolike the top thousand teams, which, according to college sports lore, is apparently a big deal. The BC kids are out in force, partying and celebrating, but I still can't manage to get myself caught up in the excitement
Again...I just don't give a crap.
I digress...
So, my TV watching has sunk to an all-time low in terms of quality.
Even the Trump Show has left me with somewhat of an empty, unsatisfied feeling this season. I think it all started when NBC moved the show from 8:00 to 10:00. They did this so that they can air two straight hour "specials" of that stupid, idiotic, "Deal or No Deal" show. I can't stand that thing. They prolong the process, opening up the stupid cases painfully slowly and making the most mundane, idiotic banter. I tried to watch it this Sunday, and I watched a father of five refuse the chance to take home close to 80,000 dollars (after first having turned down an opportunity to get 35,000 dollars and a chance to appear on some reality stand-up comedien show.) He got all ahead of himself and ended up literally going home with ten bucks.
I can't stand by and watch this crap. It was almost painful. I can't watch that show again.

As for Trump, I feel like I've taken a beating by this new late hour airing of the show. For several weeks, I have been unable to keep my eyes open long enough to watch. I've had to check the results of the previous night's episode on the website. Speaking of which, can you imagine my surprise and upset when I logged onto the site this Monday morning only to learn that the "Appreesetice" answers that I logged in as soon as they became available last Wednesday had not been recorded and I got NO points! I mean, granted, California Mo's progress in the game has been almost freakishly good. (I think she's sleeping with somebody in the Trump organization, truth be told). I was a distant, but respectable, second to California Mo for weeks. Last week, I slipped behind Reesie by 6 points. Hardly an intimidating margin. Now, however, I'm getting buried by her, because my answers were mysteriously discarded. I wonder if California Mo sabotaged me!
Also, my season pick, Tim, was canned this week. So, now I'm feeling a bit distanced from my once favorite show. I feel like Trump himself is turning his back on me, his number one fan!

I have to mention that I've watched American Idol for the very first time ever. I saw it last week, mostly because I heard there was some campaign to salvage the worst performer on the show, Sanjaya. I love that kind of subtrifuge, so I was all over seeing how crappy this kid really is. I have to say, the faux-hawk was pretty shocking, but there were other people on the show who sucked. But here's the thing...the two people who I thought sucked the most (some kid who sang a Cure song, and some woman who sang a No Doubt song) earned rave reviews from the judges. Simon included.
To my further disappointment, Randy and Paula Abdul seem to have a standard set of comments for each and every performance. They could literally have cut-outs of those two and just record their voices. Randy, subsequent to saying, "dawg, yo, yo, dawg" about 500 times, says that the person "broke it down" when he like the song, or that they "just didn't jive with the song" if he didn't like it." Abdul, when she likes a performer, tells them "Your personalitiy really shines through" or, "I didn't feel your personality" when she doesn't like it.
As for Simon. Boring. Hardly the acerbic critic I was hoping to see.
Hey my favorite Angela, and Trumps for that matter, got the boot, but I think that somewhere sometime she will work in the Trump organization!
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