I have to say that I had fun, in spite of the driving rains, freezing temperatures, lack of running water and furry, four-legged roommates. However, I'm gald to be back to civilization. I'm just far too accustomed to my little creature comforts to go too long without them. I'm addicted to the conveniences and comforts of the city and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Now, grated, the cabin is a paradise in the summer. The sun is shining, hiking trails are just beckoning, cold beer is there to whet our whistles at every turn, and the hours of sitting around, stuffing our faces and drinking far too much hooch are essentially guiltless activities because of the aforementioned hikes that help ease some of the calorie intake.
In the winter (I mean, technically this is Spring, at least according to my calendar, but the six inches of snow on the ground up there tell me otherwise), the cabin is not as enjoyable...to me anyway. Stephen loves it at any time.
Anyway, on the way up Friday, we had stopped at Stephen's parents' place to borrow their SUV. We just weren't confident enough in the Civic to get us up the cabin's long, muddy, snowy driveway.
So, needless to say, we had to stop by there on the way home to return the car.
The snowstorm in New Hampshire was shocking! The snow was really accumulating quickly and according to the newscaster, they were expecting up to a foot of snow tonight. And another foot tomorrow. What the hell?

Stephen's mother, upon realizing that I was trying to keep myself at a safe distance from her in order not to offend her with my fowl body odor and smoke-infused clothing, offered me the use of her shower facilities. I don't think I've ever taken such a long shower in my life. I was a little self-conscious, because it seemed slightlyl obnoxious to take such a long shower at their place, but in the end, my desire to delouse myself overtook my desire to fall into his parents good graces. I think they already like me; I'm sure they'll forgive me when they see their 450 dollar water bill this month.
I thought I was going to cry when I got out of the shower and realized that I was actually clean!

When we got home, I pretty much wasted no time in getting my ass to the gym. Once again, the perpetual sitting around and eating that is an inherent part of a cabin weekend has weighed not only on my conscience, but on the scale, as well. So, I went to the gym, did a treadmill hill workout for an hour, a step aerobics class for an hour, and lifted for around a half hour. I was tired and didn't really feel like working out, but I was damned if I was going to miss another day of the gym.

And after the gym, I went to Starbucks for an iced coffee. It was freezing out and I didn't really even feel like an iced coffee, but just the fact that the Starbucks was there and available and I COULD go mean so much to me. I had no choice. I had to amble in.
So, I'm back to my city life. Thank god!!! At least until the summer, when a trip to the country will be a most welcome diversion!
I'vd decided that so long as the mercury dips below 60 degrees, I'm not meant to be at the cabin.
I need my central heating and that's that.
You're a brave soul. Not so much for taking on the snow but taking on being trapped in a cabin loaded with second hand smoke.
No, it wasn't cigarette smoke, but rather smoke from the woodburning stove.
oh god, tht wood burning stench is just as bad.
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