Favorite Three Artists:

Gustave Caillebotte

Robert Doisneau

Henri Matisse
2. Three things that scare me the most:
George W. Bush
Dick Cheney
The thought of having to fit into my wedding dress!
3. People who make me laugh:
4. Things I love:
My nieces, Allie and Caroline
warm weather
5. Things I hate:
being cold
waiting for the bus in the freezing cold/rain/snow/wind
6. Things I just don't understand
The war in Iraq
Monty Python
Boys and grown men with oversized pants around their knees. (Put a belt on!)
7. Things on my desk:
iMac (of course)
cute little desk lamp from Ikea
8. Things to do before I die:
go to Dubai

see Samuel L. Jackson cast as me in the movie of my life
live overseas again
9. Things I can do
Speak French
Speak German
step aerobics
10. Things you should listen to:
Your mom
Al Gore
11. People you should never listen to:
George W. Bush
Bill O'Reilly
Newt Gingrich
12. Things I'd like to learn:
Speak Italian
to be a great cook
play piano
13. Foods I could eat until the end of time
Japanese noodle soup
#8 Pizza from Cambridge 1
14. TV shows I watched as a child
Cosby show
Family Ties
Growing Pains
15. Stores I love:
Apple Store
Aveda stores
Ann Taylor/Loft
16. Girls Names I like a lot
17. Boys Names I like a lot:
Jan/Jens (both German, pronounce the "j" as "y.")
18. Songs I really am enjoying at the moment:
Original of the Species (u2)
Bootylicious (Destiny's Child)
Help Yourself (Tom Jones)
19. Three guests I would like to have for dinner
Bill Clinton
Samuel L. Jackson
20. Games I like:
Trivila Pursuit
Loaded Questions
21. Great Books:
Devil in the White City
Angela's Ashes
Madame Bovary
22. Things I'm crappy at:
23. Three wishes:
to be thin
to be rich
to never suffer one more moment of back pain ever!!
I hope your three wishes come true!!!
Girl, we have so much in common! You know I have a boy named David and a girl named Kathleen, right? And I'm a crappy driver, too! Plus, I loved Angela's Ashes, I love NPR... Freaky! I'm telling ya. Of course, I do like ham. I mean, I don't love it, but I eat it from time to time. And Nants, you WILL fit in that dress.
P.S. Old Juanita is now JenBlanck, thanks to New Friggin' Blogger. Sigh.
so much for anonymity!
I hate the new blogger. I am going to try to post this comment just to see if it will post
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