I know I do not need to remind you just how much I have been bitching about the weather lately. Yesterday I reached my peak of depression. Or would it be depths of depression? Whatever...it was pretty bad.
I left the house and for like the 10th straight day in a row, it was absolutely miserable outside.
Today, I was at the gym for my 9:00 class. Not surprisingly, when I left the house, it was pretty cloudy, cold and grey outside. As my aerobics class came to a close, and we got onto the floor to do our ab work, my unique vantage point afforded me a view out the window to pure sky. I'd been totally bummed out by the same view for the past week because it honestly looked like somebody took a brush and painted the windows steel grey. Today, however, something struck me as odd as I settled in to do my crunches. The windows were filled with blue. Bright blue. And what was that big bright thing hanging there in the sky? It was kind of yellow and round. I racked my brain to try to figure out what that thing could possibly be. Surely I'd seen it somewhere before. And granted, it had been ages, but I knew I had the name of this object on the tip of my tongue.
Oh yes....THE SUN!
The sun is back.
It is lovely outside right now. It is around 49 degrees, which is still quite a bit cooler than it should be at this time of year, but I'LL TAKE IT!!!!
Hey, this is a great thing!
In other wedding-related news, I went to the bridal shop and tried on my gown today. I had originally ordered it in a size larger than what I had tried on in the store. I figured it would be easier to do alterations that way than with trying to have to make anything larger.
So, when I got to the place, there it was, all neatly packaged in the plastic bag and lovely. I was surprised, however, when I tried it on because it was really way too big. I am not sure if it was actually only one size larger than what we saw when I tried it on.
The seamstress there was throwing around telephone number prices as to what it would cost to take in the bust, lift the entire hem, etc. I was a little panic stricken, to be honest.
Eventually, I asked if they still had the one in the store that I had previously tried on. Luckily, they did. They were all concerned because the model dress was ivory and I ordered the white. Actually, I thought I had tried on the white. It isn't a buttery type of ivory, it is pretty light.
So, I took the floor model that a million women have tried on before me, but I don't give a crap.
The alteration fee is now only 30 dollars because all they have to do is take in the bust. The hem was perfect, so that does not need to be taken up, which helps me avoid the 125 hem alteration fee.
They were surprised, at the shop, that I didn't care about going from white to ivory and that I would take the floor model, but whatever! I'm trying to keep this thing as painless as possible!
Oh well, gotta go finish watching my lifetime movie.
You win the mellow bride award!
Now we gotta get you some ivory shoes! _ Jules
No, the shoes are fine. As I said, the ivory is really quite light and when I tried it on in the shop, I thought it was white. That is what prompted me to order the white dress in the first place. Besides, the hem covers the shoes. I'm just gonna wear sneakers!
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