My iMac has a feature called "dashboard." I can download "widgets" from the Apple website in order to have important, fun, or random information at my fingertips at all times. I have a "local menu" widget that allows you to enter any zip code in the United States and get a list of all nearby restaurants and their entire menus. Quite handy when we're in the mood for takeout. I have the weather up there, as well as "word of the day," "daily soduku" and a whole host of other stuff.
Tonight I was looking through the widgets to see what new little nuggets were out there.
The one that caught my eye was the "whoopie cushion" widget.
Of course I wasted no time in downloading it.

Now, when I push my cursor into the upper left hand corner of my screen in order to activate my dashboard, there's a little whoopie cushion. I can click on it in order to produce a variety of fart noises.
There are little trumpet farts, big airy farts, sloppy farts...you get the point.
At first, Stephen was acting all disgusted, but he quickly got on board and even plugged the computer into the stereo so that we could listen to the farts in their full intended glory.
The hilarious thing was that our neighbors, whose windows are kitty-corner to ours, were having dinner at their table with the windows wide open. We blasted the stereo volume and gave our whoopie cushion a few good blasts.
The woman having dinner next door was in hysterics. Every time she'd sort of calm down, we'd give our little virtual whoopie cushion another blast.
It was stupid, immature, obnoxious and completely childish. But it was really freakin' funny!!!!!
OK, I'm childish, too, 'cause I laughed.
How 'bout that Trump? Looks like he has a brain afterall.
HAHAHA seriously, that was funny. At least you know your neighbors have a sense of humor! - Jules
No matter how old you get, farts are always funny.
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