Ding Dong the witch is dead!
Last night was the best episode of the Donald Trump Show all season!!!! The task was good. There were some suspensful moments. There were some "back-against-the-wall moments", such as when Sean was pressed by Trump to decide which of the two women, Allie or Andrea, he thought should be fired.
But the best part of the entire show was the actual moment of Andrea's termination. There have been a few times this season where I have been asking myself what the hell Trump was thinking in making the decisions he's made, but I have to say that last night I agreed with his decision to fire Andrea's pathetic, boney ass 100%. That bitch had to go!!!!!!!
She is rude, arrogant, condescending and just cannot relate to other people. My girl, Roxanne, put it best when she said that unless Andrea is in charge of a task, she has no interest in participating and putting forth any effort. If she is not in control, she'll sit back and let the team self-destruct. It is all or nothing with that woman, and in the end, it bit her in the ass.
I have to mention that I HATED listening to her fake raspy voice. (Just like Sarah of "The Bachelor Paris"). I don't understand why somebody who does not naturally sound like a 56 year veteran chain smoker would want to go out of her way to sound like a 56 year verteran chain smoker.
I had to laugh when Stephen called me after the show to point out that Andrea talked like the monster character in the horror film, "The Grudge." Not only did she talk like the thing, but upon viewing the photo below, I think you'll agree with me when I say that Andrea also looked like this thing.

Speaking of horror shows, what is up with Donald Trump, Jr? Is that bastard just freakin' creepy, or what? I know and you know that he has some serious kiddy porn downloaded onto his PC. He gives me the heebie-geebies, big time! Also, was it me, or did he seem to be hovering on or only just slightly above the comatose level throughout the entire episode? I thought George was a stick in the mud, but he looks like "Mr. Personality" when compared to D.T., Jr. How did it happened that Ivanka got all the brains and all the beauty? Couldn't Trump, with all his millions, have paid some geneticist to make sure his son would NOT look like the missing link? And while I'm on the subject, I think Junior has a one-way ticket to inheriting his dad's infamous WIG!
Just a warning...
I have a picture of Trump, Jr. posted below. Look if you dare. It is more frightening than the Grudge picture.

A few more thoughts about the Trump show...
1. Although I originally thought Charmaine was a moron, I was in total agreement with her when she expressed complete frustration at the fact that when her team finally won, it was under Lee's direction. I think Lee is a fugly, (not a typo), silly little man-boy who somehow conned his way onto the Trump show. When he stuck up for Lenny after his disastrous shot at being PM, I lost all respect for him. He's a fool and it is too bad that he was the PM for this victory. First of all, he did absolutey nothing to contribute to the victory. Secondly, this victory already appears to have gone straight to his head. Oh well, we all know what happens to those who gloat!
2. Allie was a moron as PM, too. Although Andrea clearly had to go because of her lack of ability to make sales, work with her teammates and contribute positively to her team in any way, Allie displayed no shortage of incompetence. She should have let Tammy go back for her own notebook. She should have taken a pamphlet to extract information that she spent so long procuring from a tour (admittedly Andrea's idea...pains me to say), and ultimately, she missed out on the initial phases of planning the pamphlet. When she showed up at Battery Park and realized that her competition were already there, what did she do? She decided to move her operation to Ellis Island where, by her own admission, 90% of the visitors had come directly from Battery Park, and had, therefore, obviously already purchased the other pamphlet. I would be remiss if I did not mention the fact that Allie's valley girl, cheerleader cadence drive me up the wall!
3. I'm so happy Roxanne is my season pick. Even if she messes up in the weeks to come and does not get hired, I think she is the best, most intelligent candidate. She clearly has the most integrity and although she is not necessarily above complaining about people (she hated Andrea..another reason to love Roxanne), she didn't say shit about people that she would not say directly to them. You have to respect that. I am glad that Trump acknowledged her excellent speaking abilities. He clearly seems to like her unconditionally, which is good. It might buy her the benefit of the doubt if she ever finds herself on the hot seat. Surely she made Trump lean in favor of firing Andrea while she protected Allie's ass. And as I just said, Allie was not above reprimand here. Her termination would have been, I feel, completely justified. She owes Roxanne, BIG TIME!!
4. I'm actually beginning to like Tarek more and more. I am bummed out that he was the driving force behind the pamphlet, and that Lee took the credit as the project manager. That's too bad, because Lee was already (undeservedly) sitting pretty with Trump while Tarek has been in the hot seat with Trump. This would have been a good time for Tarek to redeem himself a bit.

In a completely unrelated matter....Reesie has asked "What is Zipcar." Zipcar, Reesie, is best described by its own tagline of "Wheels when you want them." They have fleets of cool cars parked throughout urban areas and people can reserve these cars by the hour or by the day to run errands around the city. You reserve online, go to your car's home (there are a few right in Union Square), flash your zipcard in front of the sensor, and the car unlocks. The keys are inside, tied to a rope on the steering wheel. When you take the car out, you just lock it up, no need to take the keys. The zipcard actually locks and unlocks the actual engine, so even if somebody busted in and tried to start the car, the engine would not even turn over. Also, on the zip car driver who reserved the car can actually open the car and unlock the engine.
The fleet of cars is very cute. VW Bugs, Honda Civics, Elements, Toyota Matrix and Prius, Scion Xa and Xb, and all kinds of other cool little cars.
The advantages are many. First, I can practice on their cars, crash them up and never, ever have any more than a 500 dollar deductible. I am fully ensured on zipcar, never pay for gas, have XM satellite radio, never wait in line to rent or return the thing and many more. Also, I will have a great chance to drive lots of models of cars around and test them out without having to deal with pushy car salesman.
Pretty cool, huh?
And if I travel to any city in the US where there are zip cars, I can drive them just like here.
I am glad that Andrea is gone too, she was way too annoying. Speaking of Trump, I saw an article in the new People magazine with his wife and infant. The new wife was saying how tiring it is to be a mother. Meanwhile, the kid has six nannies. fools.
Not to mention, it looks like both Trump and his wife are heavily sedated in the photo. I had already read that Trump said, very openly, that he wasn't intending to be as hands-on with this child because he's older and too busy. He said he's leaving the child-rearing part to Melania. Whatever. Hopefully the kid gets Melania's looks, too. Imagine being cursed with that freakin' Trump wig!!
Ahhhhhh! Even though I've never watched a single episode of The Apprentice, I certainly enjoy your synopsis. And every week, it tempts me to tune in, but I never get around to it. If you ever tire of teaching, you could try your hand at a newspaper column.
Oh My gosh Trump Jr. is scarey! Missed the show, sleeping as usual! Love the Zipcar idea! Totally new to me how neat is that!! You Should have a column in the paper! You would be Loved by All especially the MTB riders!!
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