Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Top Ten People/Companies Giving Reesie Birthday Shout-Outs Toady.

That's right, folks. Today is Reesie's 30th birthday. Our little Reesie is a woman now! Anyway, there are some people and companies out there who would like to give Reesie a big warm shout-out today, partly to celebrate her birthday, and partly to thank her for her unwavering support over the years.

10. The Budweiser Company. This company would have appeared higher on the list, but since Reesie has only been able to (legally) purchase their goods for 9 years, they felt she has to work a little harder for their congrats. Just a few more years, Reesie....

9. The entire cast and crew of "Little House." Reesie's blog has created a whole new generation of Little House fans, thus providing Victor French with a series of bulky royalty checks that he can blow in seedy strip joints.

8. The cast and crew of The Gilmore Girls. Without her continued advocating of the show, most people would have turned their backs on the unintelligible Rory. They also thank Reesie for her offers to drop everything to rush to the aid of the show's writers. They should consider her offer!

7. Q.C., for being the bestest party organizer ever...even though she did put the hot plates on the dining room table!

6. The good folks at Malibu. When Reesie's had a particularly tough bout of watching Bucky on American Idol, she turns to this lovely beverage for comfort.

5. Tony Danza. Reesie has also brought some publicity to his floundering show with her recent blog entry. Although the entry depicts Danza making a complete ass of himself, it is still more publicity than Danza has received in the past several years.

4. The entire fan-base of Reesie's blog. What else would keep us entertained and up-to-date on the things that REALLY matter in this world?

3. Al and Caroline, definitely your two biggest (albeit littlest) fans!

2. The Boston Red Sox, for keeping the faith alive!

1. David Letterman. Because your birthday just so happens to fall on the same day, everybody remembers Dave's too!


Mo said...

Thank you, Nants!!!

That is truly awesome! I really appreciate the time you put into it!!


Love, Reesie

LizFwiz said...

that was a cool birthday blog!

Anonymous said...

Awesome blog comment but if I can add just one more group for shout outs it has to be American Idol, in particular, Mo's 2 all time favorites, Bucky and Paris!

Mo said...

thanks lauren, i just threw up a little in my mouth!

Juanita said...

Happy Birthday Reesie! Woohooooooooooooo, Party ON, girl!